Simpsons Wiki

Mythcrackers is a television show.


The show is apparently all about Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage debunking rumors, legends, and all religions (except Jesus-based ones).

One episode shows Jamie and Adam finding out if a cat lands on it's feet or not. Since they didn't want to hurt a real cat, they decided to use a build-a-bear carcass, stuffing it with ballistic gel, shooting it with a 20 foot barrel steam cannon and making a scatter plot of the remains. They eventually forget about what they were trying to prove.

This episode caused gas prices to raise after the build-a-bear carcass crashed on an oil generator.


Bart and Milhouse once saw one episode of Mythcrackers. In the show, Savage and Hyneman decided to crack the myth cats always landed on their feet. They didn't want to hurt a real cat, so they took a teddy bear, shot it out of a cannon and made a scatter graph of the remains. However, they forgot meanwhile what they were testing at first. After watching the episode, Bart and Milhouse decided to be myth crackers too and tested myths of Springfield Elementary.


  • Mythcrackers is a parody of Mythbusters.
  • After their guest appearences, Jamie and Adam made a Simpsons Special on Mythbusters.


Simp Episode – "The Daughter Also Rises"
