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Simpsons Wiki
Bart's Dog Gets an F
Old Money
Brush with Greatness


  • This episode is the first one to feature Professor Frink.
  • This is currently the only episode of The Simpsons (not counting the 2007 movie) where the end credits show the voice actor/actress and a brief list of the characters they play. While later episodes like "Insane Clown Poppy" and "Treehouse of Horror XII" do have special credits showing the voice actor and the character they played, those were special cases (Jay Mohr voiced Christopher Walken due to the real Walken turning down the cameo and Dan Castellaneta voiced Dennis Miller for reasons unknown, though it's likely the same reason), as The Simpsons around that time became so well-known for having celebrity cameos that they had to put a "Celebrity Voice Impersonated" credit to keep people from wondering whether or not the celebrity in question cameoed on the show.

Cultural References[]

  • In the casino, Grampa recites the first four lines of the third stanza and the final two lines of the fourth and final stanza of the poem "If--" by Rudyard Kipling.
  • Abraham and Beatrice crossing each other's arms while taking their medicine is similar to a scene in the film Tom Jones.
  • When the Discount Lion Safari employee scares away the lions with a shotgun, he is clearly familiar with the reputation Homer has earned, as he says "Mr. Simpson, I presume?", akin to the famous statement "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
  • Darth Vader and The Joker can be seen waiting in line as candidates for Grampa donating his money.
  • When Grampa takes a walk to clear his head after interviewing candidates for the money, one of the places he visits is a reference to Edward Hopper's Nighthawks painting.
  • Grampa says, "Herman, a very special lady is having her birthday tomorrow." and Herman immediately thinks he is talking about the Battleship New Jersey. The "birthday" of the Battleship New Jersey is May 23rd as it was commissioned on May 23, 1943.



Bea with blue hair

  • Bea's hair is gray but it turns blue during the scene when she and Grandpa are dancing.
  • Whiteneck

    Homer with a white neck

    When Homer defends Bart's suggestion that Grandpa give his money to the Simpson family, his neck turns white for a frame.
  • In the credits, Krusty the Clown is misspelled as Krusty the Klown, and Dr. Julius Hibbert is misspelled as Dr. Julius Hibert.
  • Abe tells Bea he's a widower which would indicate his wife is dead, but she was not dead at the time, but hiding from FBI.

Season 1 Season 2 References/Trivia Season 3
Bart Gets an "F"Simpson and DelilahTreehouse of Horror (aka "The Simpsons Halloween Special") • Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every FishDancin' HomerDead Putting SocietyBart vs. ThanksgivingBart the DaredevilItchy & Scratchy & MargeBart Gets Hit by a CarOne Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue FishThe Way We WasHomer vs. Lisa and the 8th CommandmentPrincipal CharmingOh Brother, Where Art Thou?Bart's Dog Gets an FOld MoneyBrush with GreatnessLisa's SubstituteThe War of the SimpsonsThree Men and a Comic BookBlood Feud