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David Letterman Show
Peeking Heads couch gag
Sliced Family
The title of this article is conjectural. Though the topic is found within The Simpsons universe, a proper name is not available.

The Peeking Heads couch gag is the ninth couch gag of Season 5.


Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa poke their heads out from behind the couch, then Maggie pokes out from behind the center cushion.

Character Appearances[]


⇐ Season 4 Season 5 couch gags Season 6 ⇒
Clapboard couch gagMonty Python's Flying Circus Foot couch gagDuplicate Family couch gagZombie Family couch gagBackdrop couch gagFat Man couch gagEyeless Family couch gagDavid Letterman Show couch gagPeeking Heads couch gagSliced Family couch gagBouncing Balls couch gagFOX couch gag
⇐ Season 4 Re-used couch gags Season 6 ⇒
Circus Line couch gagClapboard couch gagMonty Python's Flying Circus Foot couch gagFat Man couch gagEyeless Family couch gagFOX couch gag

