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Petey was a parrot that belonged to Marge during her childhood.


During Marge's childhood, she wanted a cat but instead, she ended up with Petey when a neighbor gave him away and interestingly, Petey could meow. While Petey was fond of Marge, and they had several nice photos together, he showed his affection by attacking Marge and regurgitating on her. Petey also drove her friends away due to his possessiveness. Petey was given to Krista, who picked him up in an Art's Auto Service truck.

When Bart and Lisa opened Marge's memory box, they found photos of Marge with Petey and decided to attempt to reunite Petey and Marge. They traveled to North Townsburg to locate Krista, only to find out that Petey got away after Krista left the cage open. While Bart and Lisa failed to find Petey, they found him in a tree by the bus stop, surrounded by a flock of parrots, after he mimicked the "you lose" horn from The Price Is Right. They lured him down with a recording of Marge's voice and captured him in the Junior Operative Spy Kit case.

When Bart and Lisa brought Petey back home to Marge, she appeared happy to see him, but Petey suddenly got scared and attacked her. After trying to keep him at the bay, Marge revealed to Bart and Lisa the suffering she endured with Petey. When Petey bites Marge, they capture him and take him back to his flock in North Townsburg.

