Philip Jay Fry (born August 14, 1974) is the protagonist of the sci-fi animated sitcom Futurama, voiced by Billy West. He is seen replacing Bart in a couch gag.[1] In the episode "Beware My Cheating Bart" he is seen on an asteroid with Turanga Leela. He and the entire planet express crew appeared in the crossover "Simpsorama".
He has orange hair and wears a red jacket with a white undershirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers.
Fry was in a relationship with a woman who suffered problems in the future called Michelle. They were together a few times, but they broke up a lot due to her cheating on him. He also has an on-again-off-again relationship with Turanga Leela. Fry also slept with his grandmother, making him his own grandfather, and the father of his father.
- Fry's red jacket, white undershirt and blue jeans are based on the character James "Jim" Stark, portrayed by James Dean in the movie Rebel Without a Cause.
- Episode – "HOMЯ" (couch gag)
- Episode – "Beware My Cheating Bart"
- Episode – "Catch 'Em if You Can" (poster)
- Episode – "Simpsorama"
- Video game – The Simpsons Game
- Comic book – Simpsons Comics 50
- Comic book – Simpsons Comics 84 (Front Cover)
- Comic book – Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis: Somewhere Over The Brain-bow!
- Comic book – Futurama/Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis
- Comic book – Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis: Liquid Diamond Is Forever!
- Comic story – Interminable Crises: The Extreme Alternate Edition
- Couch gag – "Futurama couch gag"[src]
External links[]
- Philip J. Fry on the FuturamaWiki