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Multiple Simpson Families
Plopper the Pig (Spider-Pig) couch gag
LEGO Brick Family

The Plopper the Pig (Spider-Pig) couch gag is the first couch gag of Season 19.


The Simpson family runs in, only to find Plopper the pig on the couch, as an instrumental version of "Spider-Pig" plays. The family then sits on the couch and Homer holds Plopper and says, "My summer love", with Plopper happily squealing in response.

Character Appearances[]


⇐ Season 18 Season 19 couch gags Season 20 ⇒
Plopper the Pig (Spider-Pig) couch gagLEGO Brick Family couch gagGiant Maggie and Small Simpsons couch gagModern Couch Gag couch gagPop-Up Book couch gagMagician couch gagMedieval Tapestry couch gagThis Is Not A Couch Gag couch gagMobile couch gagLite-Brite Family couch gagFive Pills couch gagWile E. Coyote couch gagPaintbrush couch gag
⇐ Season 18 Re-used couch gags Season 20 ⇒
Homer's Evolution couch gagPowers of Ten couch gagMedieval Tapestry couch gagPop-Up Book couch gagDrag & Drop couch gag