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Meat Is Murder
Poorhouse Rock
Habeas Tortoise
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Cultural references[]

  • The episode title is a reference to American interstitial programming series Schoolhouse Rock!.
  • Bartwater is a parody of Smartwater.
  • Phil McGraw and Tucker Carlson are seen in this episode in clips from their respective TV shows on the giant TV screens; Carlson's clip is based off of segments from his real-life show, Tucker Carlson Tonight; Carlson has been accused of supporting Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Russia in regards to the Russia-Ukraine conflict (in fact, some of Carlson's clips were shown on Russian state-run propaganda networks with Russian subtitles).
  • When Bart is rapping about how he will make a dollar he imagines his future being on lonel fans as Bang Bang Bart


  • During the second full shot of the church, the roof color in incorrectly displayed as a similar tan color as the walls.
  • When Bart sets his Treehouse on fire and said "Oh My God" his mouth didn't move.


  • In Bart's imagination, a Mercedes-Benz CLK convertible (first generation) is seen.
  • The fourth wall is broken twice:
    • Lisa ends the second act by singing a verse from Goodbye, Middle Class, "We can't even afford what they sell in this commercial" and raises a black screen in front of the scene to end it.
    • At the epilogue, Homer and Marge wonder what the events were from when the janitor met Bart, to the latter's treehouse set on fire.
Season 32 Season 33 References/Trivia Season 34
The Star of the BackstageBart's In Jail!Treehouse of Horror XXXIIThe Wayz We WereLisa's BellyA Serious Flanders: Part OneA Serious Flanders: Part TwoPortait of a Lackey on FireMothers and Other StrangersA Made MaggieThe Longest MargePixelated and AfraidBoyz N the HighlandsYou Won't Believe What This Episode is About - Act Three Will Shock You!Bart the Cool KidPretty Whittle LiarThe Sound of Bleeding GumsMy Octopus and a TeacherGirls Just Shauna Have FunMarge the MeanieMeat Is MurderPoorhouse Rock