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Simpsons Wiki
The Devil Wears Nada
Pranks and Greens
Rednecks and Broomsticks

Cultural References[]

  • The title is a play on the food pairing of "Franks and Beans."
  • The list of activities Krusty lists that he wouldn't do are stunts that guest star Jonah Hill does in his movies.
  • Homer's line to Marge "You found my precious..." is a quote from Lord of the Rings, in which Gollum says it frequently in the movies.


  • This is the second time Seymour Skinner is revealed to have previously been "cool" (as a swim instructor and principal). The first time was in The Principal and the Pauper (as a young adult). This is also the second time Bart humiliated him with a helium-filled balloon. The first was in Bart's Comet.
  • Although Shary Bobbins was killed in "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious", she appears in the opening sequence.
  • Number 7 is the recycling code for all other plastics.
  • This is the second time a character was tricked into being attacked by a snake. The first was in "Fear of Flying".
  • It is revealed that Skinner became harsh after falling victim to a prank at Springfield Elementary. This also happened to his mother in "The Crepes of Wrath".
  • Maggie Simpson and Gerald Samson are getting along together.
  • It is unsure where Hans Moleman went as the women threw him out the ambulance.
  • Some kids from Ms. McConnell's class are seen in the flashback at the school's pool.
  • The fly in an ice cube could have been a possible reference to "The War of the Simpsons".
  • When Krusty dived into the pool of earthworms, he stood up and read the cue card that Andy was holding up: "I asked for warm water, not worm water!". However, it was established in "Krusty Gets Busted" that Krusty is illiterate, meaning he can't read or write. He may have been cured over time.

Season 20 Season 21 References/Trivia Season 22
Homer the WhopperBart Gets a "Z"The Great Wife HopeTreehouse of Horror XXThe Devil Wears NadaPranks and GreensRednecks and BroomsticksO Brother, Where Bart Thou?Thursdays with AbieOnce Upon a Time in SpringfieldMillion Dollar MaybeBoy Meets CurlThe Color YellowPostcards From the WedgeStealing First BaseThe Greatest Story Ever D'ohedAmerican History X-cellentChief of HeartsThe Squirt and the WhaleTo Surveil With LoveMoe Letter BluesThe Bob Next DoorJudge Me Tender