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Pray Anything |
- Bart: Lisa Leslie, you got game!
- Lisa Leslie: I think you mean "I have game". Try to speak correctly.
- Bart: You go, girl!
- Lisa Leslie: Yes, I will depart lest your bad grammar rub off on me.
- Lisa Leslie: (to Flanders) Thanks for supporting the WNBA, sir.
- Flanders: You betcha. It's a nice break from the male sports I usually watch.
- Lisa Leslie: You like male sports?
- Flanders: Oh, sure! Speed walking, ballroom dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, extreme choir…
- Lisa Leslie: Just hurry up and miss.
- Homer: Dear Lord, as I think of you, dressed in white, with your splendid beard, I am reminded of Colonel Sanders, who is now seated at your right hand, shoveling popcorn chicken into thy mouth. Lord, could you come up with a delicious new taste treat like he did? (claps twice) I command you!
- Homer: The grass is actually greener on Flanders' side.
- Marge: That's because you keep passing out on our lawn. (scene shows silhouettes of Homer on the ground)