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"Pray Anything" is the tenth episode of the Simpsons' fourteenth season. It originally aired on the 9th February 2003.


At a WNBA game, Homer notices that things always seem to turn out for the best for Ned. Ned gets a hundred thousand dollars as a reward for donating fifty thousand dollars he won at a basket shot. The mascot, Swish, which later turns out to be Gil Gunderson walks out and Moe proposes to it. Ned then gets to drive home in a food shaped car which makes Homer even more jealous. Homer becomes increasingly jealous of Ned, trying to find out his secret. He turns to prayer in order to get what he wants after Ned tells him that's his secret to success, (technically he said it was a small part together with hard work and clean living which Homer ignored in favor of the part that required no effort).

Homer then starts praying to God for everything. After Homer's walls start cracking, he prays for God to help him get money to fix it. On the way past The First Church of Springfield he falls into a hole. Larry H. Lawyer, Jr. wins his case and Homer is awarded the deed. Homer starts committing increasingly blasphemous acts. From throwing out AA members to throwing a three day party that end up breaking every commandment in the book. things go disastrously wrong in the form of a massive flood. Fortunately, Reverend Lovejoy shows up at the last minute and pleads to God to not punish the town, claiming they were mislead by a Demon in Blue Pants.

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