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Simpsons Wiki
Simpsons Wiki
Li'l Kang and Kodos: Baby's First Abduction!
Sashimi Bart!
Almost Excellent Adventure
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Bart Simpson Comics Stories 1-50
Bart Simpson Comics
Big Fat Trouble in Little Springfield/Credits | Grrrl-Whirl/Credits | Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind/Credits | Bart's Day at the Zoo/Credits | Talent Hunt/Credits | Maximum Bart/Credits | Futility Belt/Credits | The Space Family Simpson in: Terror on Trioculon/Credits | Lisa Simpson in: Battle of the Boy-Bands/Credits | Another One of Professor Frink's Partly Probable Parables Sky-High Bart/Credits | Who Wants to Win a Pocketful of Quarters?/Credits | Quantum Cola/Credits | Bully for You!/Credits | Wild, Wild Bart/Credits | The Case of The Hanging Shoes From the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson/Credits | Bart Simpson's Day Off/Credits | Bart's Puzzle Page/Credits | The Supercat of Springfield!/Credits | The Invisible Nerd!/Credits | 24 Hours in the Life of Ralph Wiggum/Credits | See You Later, Alligator!/Credits | The Case of the Missing Moon Waffles From the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson/Credits | All's Veldt That Ends Veldt!/Credits | The Dickens You Say/Credits | Li'l Kang and Kodos: Baby's First Abduction!/Credits | Sashimi Bart!/Credits | Almost Excellent Adventure/Credits | O Bart, Where Art Thou?/Credits | A Chair of One's Own/Credits| Bart's Nasty Shirt/Credits | Cooking With Kang and Kodos/Credits | Prize Possession/Credits | Cyrano de Bart/Credits | Hill of Beans/Credits | Bart's Beard/Credits | Snow Brawl/Credits | Of Mice and Menace!/Credits | Lunch Pales/Credits | The Madness of Milhouse/Credits | Bartology 101/Credits | From Lichtenslava With Love/Credits | Tango Tangle/Credits | Bartzilla/Credits | Balloon Payment/Credits | An Anime Among Us!/Credits | Scheme Supreme/Credits | Taming Your Wild Child/Credits | Bart Fink and the Mighty Mississsip/Credits | Bart's Anagrams/Credits