Simpsons Wiki



  • The scene in which Bart welds with his mask up caused a battle between the show creators and the network censors. The censors were concerned that children would imitate Bart by misusing welding tools. The show creators were able to convince them that very few kids would use welding tools anyway.
  • Tapes at the video shack include: "Du Du Du", "Border Siesta", "The Bad Football", "Speed Boat Bloopers", "Frisbee", "Super Jock 3", "Death By Knockout", "Bench Clearing Brawls", "Blood On The Ice", and "Football's Greatest Injuries".
  • The head of the National Fatherhood Institute drinks from a Super Dad mug.
  • Homer double parks at the VHS Village.
  • The sign at the video store reads: VHS Village, Formerly the Beta Barn.
  • Marge and her sisters read Idle Chatter and Peephole magazines at the beauty salon.


  • Harry Shearer based the voice of Dave, the director of the Fatherhood Institute, on actor Mason Adams.
  • This episode premiered November 14, 1991 and got high ratings due in part to the fact that it was immediately follow by the premiere of Michael Jackson's infamous "Black or White" music video, the one that ends with Jackson smashing the car windows.
  • Deathrace 2000 was another inspiration for the episode.

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