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Bart's Little Fantasy
Scary Movie
Home Hypnotism
(Opens with Lisa, Bart, and Maggie walking to a movie theater.)
Lisa Simpson: (singing) ♪ We're going to a movie, we're going to a movie! ♪
Bart Simpson: Ah, grow up.
Lisa Simpson: I'm glad we're seeing the The Happy Little Elves' Return, aren't you, Bart?
Bart Simpson: Aw, man, you're so normal.
Lisa Simpson: Who's your favorite Happy Little Elf, Bart? Yendor, Bubbles, or Doofy?
Bart Simpson: I can't stand those stupid elves!
Lisa Simpson: Gee, Bart, you're just like Gloomy, the self-hating elf.
Bart Simpson: Will you shut up about those damn elves?!
Lisa Simpson: He looks like Gloomy, too.
(As they arrived, Lisa and Maggie saw the poster of The Return of the Happy Little Elves.)
Lisa Simpson: Aw.
Bart Simpson: (off-screen) Oh, boy!
Lisa Simpson: Oh, no, Bart!
(Pans over to Bart as he sees the poster of Revenge of the Space Mutants.)
Bart Simpson: Yeah, man! Space Mutants!
Lisa Simpson: C'mon, Bart! That's WAY too scary!
Bart Simpson: Three childs for Space Mutants, sir. (Pays the movie tickets with cash.) Someday, you'll thank me for this.

(At the theater, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie sat down before the movie starts.)
Bart Simpson: (muffles as he is eating popcorn) Now, listen up. We're gonna be seeing some pretty heavy stuff in this movie—death rays, flying saucers, giant eyeballs.
Lisa Simpson: (gulps heavily)
Bart Simpson: But don't be ashamed. Just go with your fear. If need be, I'll hold your hand.
Shorts: Season 2 Shorts: Season 3 Quotes Season 1
Shut Up SimpsonsThe Shell GameThe Bart Simpson ShowPunching BagSimpson XmasThe Krusty the Clown ShowBart the HeroBart's Little FantasyScary MovieHome HypnotismShopliftingEcho CanyonBathtimeBart's NightmareBart of the JungleFamily TherapyMaggie in Peril: Chapter OneMaggie in Peril: The Thrilling ConclusionTV Simpsons