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The Perfect Crime
Scary Stories
Grandpa & the Kids

Cultural References/Trivia[]

  • Binky from Life in Hell makes a cameo.
  • Homer and Marge don't have speaking roles in this short.
  • This is the first time we see Bart gets strangled by someone.
  • The sleeper hold, which Maggie chokes Bart with, is a noted professional wrestling submission hold.
  • This is the final short to air in 1987.
  • This short, which saw Bart tell the story of a "psychopathic strangler," aired shortly before the beginning of a World Wrestling Federation angle where Andre the Giant gained notoriety for strangling people, including Hulk Hogan and Bob Uecker. It is also not publicly confirmed if a Saturday Night's Main Event which was taped on December 7, 1987 and aired on NBC on January 2, 1988 was taped before or after this short was made. This event saw Andre, whose film The Princess Bride was recently distributed in the United States by 20th Century Fox, strangle Hogan only 13 days after Scary Stories aired on The Tracey Ullman Show. The wrestling company, now known as the WWE, would later air some of its programming-including two 1992 episodes of Saturday Night's Main Event and current show WWE Smackdown- on Fox as well.
  • Maggie preformed her sleeper hold on Bart before production started for the 1989 Spike Lee classic Do The Right Thing, which featured Officer Gary Long strangle Radio Raheem to death with a similar sleeper hold.

Shorts: Season 1 Shorts: Season 2 References/Trivia Shorts: Season 3
Making FacesThe FuneralMaggie's BrainFootballHouse of CardsBart and Dad Eat DinnerSpace PatrolBart's HaircutWorld War IIIThe Perfect CrimeScary StoriesGrandpa & the KidsGone Fishin'SkateboardingThe PagansThe ClosetThe AquariumFamily PortraitBart's HiccupsThe Money JarThe Art MuseumZoo Story