These are all of the examples of when sex is either mentioned or shown in The Simpsons. Most of the examples are between Homer and Marge.
Season 1[]
- Life on the Fast Lane (mentioned, Homer and Marge)
- Some Enchanted Evening (probably, Homer and Marge)
Season 2[]
- One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish (Homer and Marge; Edna Krabappel and a chef)
Season 3[]
- Lisa's Pony (Apu and Princess Kashmir)
- Flaming Moe's (Moe and Colette)
- Bart's Friend Falls in Love (Implied; Fuzzy Bunny and Fluffy Bunny in the video "Fuzzy Bunny's Guide to You Know What", Scratchy and his bride in the cartoon "I'm Getting Buried in the Morning", Homer and Marge)
- Colonel Homer (Homer and Marge)
- Separate Vocations (Implied; Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- Black Widower (Selma and Sideshow Bob)
- I Married Marge (Mentioned; Homer and Marge)
Season 4[]
- Kamp Krusty (Homer and Marge)
- Lisa's First Word (Homer and Marge in flashback)
- New Kid on the Block (mentioned; two monkeys)
- Marge in Chains (Homer and Marge)
Season 5[]
- Bart's Inner Child (Mentioned; Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- The Last Temptation of Homer (Homer and Marge)
- Bart Gets Famous (Mayor Quimby and Miss Springfield)
- Burns' Heir (Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- Secrets of a Successful Marriage (Mentioned; Homer and Marge)
Season 6[]
- Bart of Darkness (Homer and Marge)
- Homer Badman (Mayor Quimby and the woman from Burns' Heir)
- Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy (Homer and Marge, Kirk and Luann, Dr. Hibbert and Bernice, various Springfieldians)
Season 7[]
- Lisa's Wedding (Mentioned; Lisa and Milhouse as adults)
- A Fish Called Selma (Mentioned; Troy McClure and several fish)
Season 8[]
- Burns, Baby Burns (Mr. Burns and Lily)
- Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious (Mentioned, Homer and Marge)
- Grade School Confidential (Implied; Edna Krabappel and Seymour Skinner)
Season 9[]
- The Cartridge Family (Implied; Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- Simpson Tide (Homer and Marge)
- Natural Born Kissers (Homer and Marge)
Season 10[]
- I'm with Cupid (Mentioned; Homer and Marge)
Season 11[]
- Eight Misbehavin' (Apu and Manjula)
- Bart to the Future (President Lisa and Secretary Van Houten)
Season 12[]
- Insane Clown Poppy (Krusty and Erin)
- Homer vs. Dignity (Homer Or “Sim-Sim” And Ping-Ping; Edna Krabappel and Seymour Skinner)
Season 13[]
- Brawl in the Family (Abraham Simpson and Amber Simpson)
- A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love (Homer and Marge)
- The Sweetest Apu (Apu and Annette)
Season 14[]
- Treehouse of Horror XIII (Homer and Marge as a cat)
- Large Marge (Homer and Marge)
- The Strong Arms of the Ma (Homer and Marge)
- A Star Is Born Again (Ned and Sara Sloane)
- Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington (Mayor Quimby and Miss Springfield)
- 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky (Mayor Quimby and Miss Springfield)
Season 15[]
- The Ziff Who Came to Dinner (Artie Ziff and Selma)
- My Big Fat Geek Wedding (Edna Krabappel and Comic Book Guy)
- Catch 'Em If You Can (Homer and Marge)
- Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Marge and Homer)
Season 16[]
- She Used to Be My Girl (Mayor Quimby and a woman)
Season 17[]
- Treehouse of Horror XVI (Marge and Homer)
- Homer’s Paternity Coot (Mentioned, Mason Fairbanks and Mona Simpson)
- The Italian Bob (Mentioned, Sideshow Bob and his wife Francesca)
Season 18[]
- The Haw-Hawed Couple (Homer and Marge)
- G.I. D'oh (Homer and Marge)
- The Boys of Bummer (Marge and Homer)
- The Simpsons Movie (Marge and Homer)
Season 19[]
- Smoke on the Daughter (Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- That '90s Show (Mentioned; Homer and Marge)
- Treehouse of Horror XVIII (Marge and Homer)
Season 20[]
- Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes (Mentioned; Homer and Marge)
- Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D'oh (Implied; Marge and Homer)
Season 21[]
- The Devil Wears Nada (Homer and Marge)
- Pranks and Greens (Homer and Marge)
- Judge Me Tender (Homer and Marge)
- Wedding for Disaster (Apu and Selma)
- Postcards From the Wedge (Implied; Homer and Marge)
Season 22[]
- Homer the Father (Homer and Marge)
- The Blue and the Gray (Homer and Marge)
Season 23[]
- The Falcon and the D'ohman (Mayor Quimby and a woman)
- Treehouse of Horror XXII (Mentioned; Maude and the Devil)
- The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants (Marge and Homer)
- The Ten-Per-Cent Solution (Krusty and Annie Dubinsky)
- At Long Last Leave (Homer and Marge)
- Beware My Cheating Bart (Marge and Homer)
- A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again (Marge and Homer)
- Lisa Goes Gaga (Marge and Homer)
Season 24[]
- Adventures in Baby-Getting (Homer and Marge)
- Hardly Kirk-ing (Implied, Mayor Quincy and a woman)
- Treehouse of Horror XXIII (Implied; Homer and 2 Devils)
Season 25[]
- Days of Future Future (Grown-up Bart and several women)
- Homerland (Marge and Homer)
- Specs and the City (Homer and Marge)
Season 26[]
- Opposites A-Frack (Maxine Lombard and Mr. Burns)
- Bart's New Friend (Homer and Marge)
- Sky Police (Homer and Marge)
- The Kids Are All Fight (Homer and Marge)
Season 27[]
- Every Man's Dream (Homer and Candace, in dream)
- Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4 (Homer and Marge)
- Puffless (Implied; Homer and Marge)
Season 28[]
- Kamp Krustier (Homer and Marge)
- The Last Traction Hero (Homer and Marge)
- Trust But Clarify (Homer and Marge)
Season 29[]
- Left Behind (Homer and Marge)
Season 30[]
- Mad About the Toy (Homer and Marge)
- Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy (Luann and Kirk)
- Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion (Homer and Marge)
Season 31[]
- Gorillas on the Mast (Implied; Boat salesman and his wife)
- Warrin' Priests (Part Two) (Joe Quimby and Miss Springfield)
Season 32[]
Season 33[]
- A Serious Flanders: Part Two (Ned and Barbara Belfry, Horatio McCallister and Barbara Belfry)
- The Wayz We Were (Homer and Marge)
Season 34[]
- From Beer to Paternity (Mentioned, Duffman and several woman)
- Bartless (Implied; Marge and Homer, in a dream)
Season 35[]
- Homer's Crossing (Homer and Marge)
- AE Bonny Romance (Homer and Marge)