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She of Little Faith |
- Richard Gere agreed to participate as long as Buddhism was portrayed accurately, and as long as Lisa would say "Free Tibet". From this episode onward, Lisa has remained a Buddhist.
- This is the second episode where Lisa converts, the first episode being "Lisa the Vegetarian" as she converts the vegetarianism. Unlike the previous episode, Lisa does not force her beliefs onto to others as she was taught not to.
- The initials 'HJS' are written on Homer's rocket. Originally, there was supposed to be a scene where an Arab man named Hassan Jay Salam is arrested for shooting the rocket into the church because the rocket has his initials on it (which are also Homer's initials), but, because of the 9/11 attacks and fear of backlash from Arab viewers, the producers had the scene cut. The DVD commentary talks about the missing scene, and it is included on the deleted scenes reel on the season 13 DVD set.
- This is the first episode (in broadcast order) to have Al Jean as showrunner, a position he had before in seasons 4-6.
- Lisa catches Marge listening to her pray. Marge catches Rod and Todd praying in "Bart Has Two Mommies".
- Marge tells Lisa she hopes at least one of the Simpsons will go to Heaven. In "Simpsons Bible Stories" that's what happened - Lisa starts ascending to Heaven, but Homer grabs her and takes her down to the barbecue in Hell along with the rest of the family.
- While walking into the new church, a man claims that he can exchange money for the patrons, Lisa remarks that it "could not be more blasphemous!" This is a reference to the biblical account of Jesus and the money changers.
- When Marge tells Homer that this is the worst thing he's ever done, Homer replies that she's said it so much that the words have lost all meaning. Marge has also told Homer something is the worst thing he's ever done in "Brawl in the Family" (when it's revealed that Homer married the barmaid from Vegas). She's also said something very similar to that in "The Cartridge Family" (when Bart finds Homer's gun and uses it to play William Tell with Milhouse).
- Syndication cuts a scene where as the rocket is launched, a homeless person stops drinking his alcohol and leaves it. A business man subsequently sees the alcohol and drinks it at the same spot.
- This episode reveals that Homer wears contact lenses.
- Lenny and Carl's meditation mantra is from the "Short shorts" song (the Royal Teens, 1958). This also appears in "Homer the Heretic" and "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)", interestingly all three episodes deal with spiritual matters.
- The number of Homer's credit card is 5784 3653 4341 0709.
- The changeable letter sign on the Church wall says
- You break it you bought it
- Be a sweetie wipe the seatie
- Lift with your legs not with your back
- No shoes no shirt no service
- Lower the seat when you're finished
- Don't smoke crack
- Remember to tip your waitress
- Lisa has been a Buddhist since this episode, however in later episodes she is seen at church with her family. This is probably due to the fact that Marge forces the family to attend church.
- This is the last episode to air in 2001.
- A joke is that while Lisa is walking past the signs of different faiths, the word Amish is in lights when the Amish don't use electricity.
- This is the last episode the long intro plays for a lot of episodes in a row, like the beginning of Season 10, the entirety of Seasons 11 and 12, and 5 episodes of Season 13.
- The next episode, "Brawl in the Family," will feature the short intro. The long intro will still be played, but not in episodes in a row.
Cultural references[]
- Plan 9 from Outer Space. - Parodied as the cheesy science fiction movie at the beginning of the show, "The planet from outer space."
- Homer's "break the surly bonds of gravity/punch the face of God!" speech is a parody of Ronald Reagan's speech following the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, which quotes from the poem "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee Jr.
- The opening plot with the rockets is a spoof of the biopic October Sky.
- This episode satirizes the phenomenon of Megachurches.
- When Reverend Lovejoy is done with his sermon, he says that the Noid has somethings he'd like to say, and the Noid in question walks up to the podium.
- Bart's chalkboard gag was probably a subtle reference to his limited-edition breakfast cereal released in 2001, Bart Simpson Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Cereal by Kellogg's.
- On the "Jumbotron", Lisa is captioned with the words "Pouting Thomas," a play on the phrase Doubting Thomas.
- This is also a reference to the 1970s episodes of Saturday Night Live where, after a sketch ended and before the show went to a commercial break, the camera would zoom in on someone in the audience and a bizarre or risque caption would appear below the shot.
- Lisa refers to the jazzed-up church as being like "the whore of Babylon", which was what Martin Luther called the city of Rome in his "95 Theses".
- When Ned hears Lisa announce that she is a Buddhist, he exclaims, "My Satan sense is tingling!" This is a spoof of Spider-Man's catchphrase, "My Spidey-Sense is tingling!"
- The title is a reference to a line quoted in the Bible "ye of little faith."
- What Lisa was chanting while ignoring her mother was Om mani padme hum, a mantra popularly associated with Tibetan Buddhism.
- The Buddhist temple's main figure is not actually the historical Buddha himself, but rather a Western misinterpretation of him; the familiar obese laughing figure is actually Budai, a Buddhist monk who lived in China in the 10th century CE and is widely believed to have been an incarnation of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. The figure of Budai has since come to be used to represent the Buddha in some episodes.

The house with a green driveway
- When the family returns to the house after searching for Lisa the driveway is green, while everything else including the street is covered in snow.
- Rev. Lovejoy mentions that Mrs. Glick is recuperating at home. Yet she can clearly be seen with the other churchgoers.
- At the end, Marge and Lisa are on their way to the kitchen to get Christmas cookies, however they never go into the kitchen, they just walk around in circles in the living room.
- When Lisa first enters the Buddhist temple, there are two flower pots in front of Lenny and Carl. in the next scene, the flower pots are gone.
- In both earlier and later episodes, Lenny and Carl are shown to be Christians. It's possible that they experimented with Buddhism but decided it didn't fit them. This is supported by their noticeable lack of knowledge or understanding of the religion.
The entryway walls with the kitchen color
- Lisa says she still believes in God and isn't turning her back on him, however she goes on to pick Buddhism as her new religion, despite the fact that there is no deity in Buddhism.
- On Christmas Day, back at the house, in two shots when it points to Homer, the walls in the entryway have the wallpapers from the kitchen.
International edits[]
- Channel 4 and Sky Showcase cut the following scenes in this episode, with the latter channel pinlocked this episode for content: