Terri with her classmates
Lisa and Nelson call Sherri and Terri stinky
Sherri and Terri kiss Bart
Terri and Sherri as adults
Terri wearing gymnastics clothes and laughing with Lisa.
Sherri and Terri playing flutes in the Season 2-early Season 20 opening sequence
Sherri and Terri touring the power plant, notice how Sherri's body is missing.
Sherri, Terri, and their classmates are outraged at Edna for confiscating their cell phones.
Sherri, Terri, and their classmates frown at Milhouse.
Sherri and Terri with brown hair as seen in "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
Sherri and Terri as Indians.
Sherri and Terri eating with the other kids.
The twins as Kindergartners.
Sherri and Terri wearing matching earrings
Sherri wearing a new dress for the dance.
Terri wearing a new dress for the dance. Her new look is exactly the same as her twin's look.
Sherri and Terri are horrified at the teasing song that was sung by Lisa, Nelson, and the other kids.
Terri and Sherri running from a skunk.
Terri being dimpled by Vicki.
Terri laughing at Principal Skinner's lecture of Superintendent Chalmers crying like a girl.
Bart talks to Sherri and Terri on the bus
Terri blames Bart for ruining their game
Terri tells Bart that her sister likes him
Sherri and Terri talk on the bus
"She was looking at Nelson!"
Sherri and Terri panic as their bus crashes into the sea
Sherri and Terri cling to each other as the kids are swept into the sea
Terri crying at being stranded.
Sherri and Terri argue with the other kids over who is to blame for the crash.
Sherri, Terri, and the other kids gather around as Bart explains what they are going to do after getting stranded
Sherri, Terri, and the other kids panic after Milhouse claims to have seen a 'monster'
Sherri and Terri watch Bart rescue the food from the sunken bus
Sherri, Terri and the other kids glare at Milhouse when they think he has eaten all the food in the night
Sherri and Terri with Martin, Lewis and Wendall
Sherri and Terri are shocked with the other kids after Bart declares Milhouse 'not guilty' during a mock trial
Sherri and Terri tease Bart by deliberately giving him false information for his book report assignment
Sherri and Terri at the school auditorium as Kindergarteners
Sherri and Terri playing jump rope with Janey while Bart skateboards past them
Sherri in the school choir
Sherri and Terri's birthday party at Moe's
Sherri, Terri and Becky singing while skipping rope
Sherri and Terri tell Lisa that they like her swimming pool.
Sherri, Terri, and their mother
Sherri and Terri waving hello to their father
Terri offers Bart some gum
Sherri offers Bart her gum after Terri offered Bart hers.
Sherri and Terri watch Homer fall down the gorge and injure himself
Sherri and Terri watch as Homer seriously injures himself while falling down the gorge
Sherri and Terri in their classroom
Terri sees Skinner and Krabappel kiss in the school closet
Sherri, Terri, Allison and Alex talk to Lisa
Sherri and Terri feeling disappointed
Sherri, Terri, Bart and the other kids burn down books
Sherri and Terri listen to Bart while sitting on a tree branch
Sherri and Terri talk with each other on a bench
Terri and the other kids watch Edna
Sherri and Terri with Bart
Terri fantasizes about a boy she likes
Sherri and Terri eating their lunch
Sherri and Terri in their classroom feeling confused
Laughing at Skinner and Groundskeeper Willie.
Terri and Sherri hug their parents
Sherri and Terri in shock
Terri with Sherri listen to Martin
Sherri and Terri listen to Bart
Sherri and Terri at lunch
Nelson gives a box of cookies to Sherri and Terri
Sherri and Terri among other students
Sherri and Terri's birthday
Sherri and Terri on stage
Homer convinces Terri to go out with Bart
Sherri and Terri on the playground
The twins are reading some magazines of
Patty and
Selma who are evidently twins
Sherri and Terri "helping" Bart on a test
Sherri and Terri in class
Sherri and Terri pretending to be good
Sherri and Terri among many kids
Sherri and Terri in the school hallway
Sherri and Terri with their mother
Sherri and Terri running away from Homer
Terri with her sister and her parents
Sherri and Terri rush to the cafeteria on Taco Tuesday
Sherri with a Valentines Day card
Sherri and Terri reading outside
Sherri and Terri feeling excited
Terri with her sister and her mother quilt with Marge
Terri looking at Martin and Bart
Terri and Sherri displeased
Sherri and Terri looking at Bart
Terri and Sherri text on their phones
Sherri and Terri talk to Lisa
Terri with Sherri speak their special twin language
Sherri and Terri get eaten by their couch
Terri with her sister and her friend Lisa
Sherri and Terri bored in class
Sherri and Terri holding their Nelson-lookalike quadruplets
Sherri and Terri when separated in A Test Before Trying, That means 7 final years of 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Animation, 20th Century Fox Television and Fox Television Animation from 2013 until 2020
Sheri, Terri, and their quadruplets look out their window
Sherri and Terri looking at Milhouse
The twins are going to get
Bart in the trouble
The twins are mocking
LisaTerri and Sherri sing at school
Terri and Sherri with their parents
Terri, Sherri and Francie
Sherri and Terri have a nightmare about Willie
Terri with her sister and her dad
Terri with her sister play with her friend Lisa
Terri with her family shocked
Martin, Terri and Sherri are singing Tik-Tok by Kesha
The twins are training for their show
Sherri and Terri waving hello to Michael D'Amico
Terri and Sherri as Piccolos
Terri looks at Mr. Lassen
Sherri and Terri as a badly-drawn picture
Sherri and Terri with Homer
Sherri, Terri, and the other kids in the school's playground
Sherri and Terri get sprayed by a skunk in the cookie box via a prank from Nelson
Sherri and Terri as the creepy twins from "The Shining"
Terri with her boyfriend Bart
Sherri and Terri sing to their grandmas
Sherri and Terri sing to each of their grandmothers
Sherri making out with Bart
Sherri and Terri gets eaten, lost my purple bows in Marge's Son Poisoning
Sherri's bow in Marge's Son Poisoning
Terri's bow in Marge's Son Poisoning
Twins, First appearance in Homer's Odyssey
First appearance in Homer's Odyssey
Twins in The Star of the Backstage
Sherri and Terri in The Star of the Backstage
Live action version from Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Sherri and Terri as The Mirror Maidens
Sherri and Terri as Double Vision
Being led out of Noiseland Arcade
Sherri or Terri trying to console Ms. Peyton
Sherri embarrassed because Homer noticed her braces
Drawing less-than-accurate self portraits