Bart: Twas the night before Christmas,And all through the home,Not a creature was stirring,
'cept for me and this poem.My sisters were nestled all snug in their beds,While visions of candy bars danced in their heads.
Then I sprang like a spring, and snuck like a sneak,Down the stairs to the gifts, for just a quick peek.When lo and behold, what did I see?Lisa and Maggie had just beaten me.I poked at my package, and said, "This is rad, man!"Then noticed dad's shadow, he looked like a madman.
Homer: "Oh Maggie, oh Lisa, oh little Bartholomew,Go upstairs, go right now, before I kill all of you!"
Bart: And so into bed we fled in a flash,Awaiting 'til morning to open our stash.At last, daybreak came, and we scampered so cheerily,While Mom and Dad yawned and gazed at us, wearily.
For Maggie, a pacifier. For Lisa, some dolls.For me, a big burp-gun which shoots ping-pong balls.Then on came the T.V., and we started to dozeThrough all the exciting Christmas theme shows.
So, to those of you groovin' on my holiday rap,Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good nap.