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Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious |
- Quentin Tarantino declined to appear as himself due to how he was depicted in the episode, so Dan Castellaneta voiced him in the Reservoir Dogs parody.
- Julie Andrews was the planned choice for Shary Bobbins, but the staff went with Maggie Roswell instead after hearing her performance.
- Originally, this episode was going to have a song with Patty and Selma called "We Love to Smoke," but it was cut for time. The song is available on the deleted scene reel on the season eight DVD set and on the Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons album.
- This episode is one of four episodes (joining season nine's "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" and "All Singing, All Dancing" and season ten's "Bart the Mother") that was initially rated TV-G (meant for all audiences, contains little to no objectionable content) on American television, despite containing content more suited for the show's average rating of TV-PG (parental guidance is suggested for younger viewers), such as Homer attacking elderly women because he thinks they're men in drag, Homer coaxing Marge to have sex with him because he had a couple of beers and got finished watching women's volleyball on ESPN, Krusty realizing too late that the initials to his comedy special are also the initials to the notorious racist group the Ku Klux Klan, Grampa putting a hot clothes iron to his ear, thinking it's an old-fashioned phone receiver; Krusty getting bit on the nose by a dog, Homer encouraging Bart to be a boozehound at 15 years old, Homer telling Kearney about the bottle of Schnapps in Maggie's crib, Groundskeeper Willie almost calling the crowd at the park "ungrateful bastards" for not liking his performance of "Maniac," the Reservoir Dogs spoof on The Itchy & Scratchy Show (including Quentin Tarantino getting decapitated after his commentary on violence), Kearney reporting on a ripper attack in Whitecastle, Principal Skinner selling Jimbo Jones (and Jimbo asking Skinner if it's legal), Shari Bobbins sinking into drunken depression after living with The Simpsons, Bart announcing that he'll take up smoking and give that up, Charles Bronson's appearance on The Andy Griffith Show where he confesses to killing Otis and is going down to Emmett's Fix-It Shop to "fix" Emmett, the use of the word "ass" on the song "It's The American Way," and the infamous ending where Shari Bobbins getting sucked into the jet engine of a plane.
Previous Episode References[]
- Brother From the Same Planet: Krusty the Clown bombs at sketch comedy (his hosting stint on Tuesday Night Live/the "Mad About Shoe/NYPD Shoe" sketch on Krusty Komedy Klassics)
- Cape Feare: Bart and Lisa make disparaging remarks about a bad TV special (Bart's "This is horrible!" and Lisa's "The FOX network has sunk to a new low" after seeing Up Late with McBain/Bart's "These specials get worse every year" and Lisa's "I'll see what else is on" after seeing Krusty's Komedy Klassics).
- Homer Alone, Marge in Chains, and Some Enchanted Evening: Marge is stressed out over being overworked and underappreciated as a housewife.
- Homer Alone: Marge has her hair down while bathing/showering
- Some Enchanted Evening and New Kid on the Block: The Simpsons have trouble finding a babysitter/live-in caretaker because of how dysfunctional the family is (mostly the kids and Homer).
- Some Enchanted Evening: The Simpsons are compared to apes (the Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers owner calls The Simpsons "a bunch of savages, including that big ape father"/Shari's line during the end song, "Don't think it's sour grapes/But you're all a bunch of apes/And so I must be/Leaving you...")
- Dog of Death: The family sacrifices something in order to pay for something the family needs (the dog's operation on his stomach/payment on the live-in nanny for Marge).
- The Homer They Fall: Barney drinks a dangerous chemical en lieu of actual alcohol (varnish/turpentine)
- Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie: Bart tampers with Mrs. Krabappel's medications (one of Bart's atrocities is replacing Mrs. Krabappel's birth control pills with Tic-Tacs/the chalkboard punishment mentions Bart hiding Mrs. Krabappel's Prozac).
- Whacking Day:
- An Itchy and Scratchy cartoon made by a guest director known for violent and controversial movies (the JFK Itchy and Scratchy as done by Oliver Stone/the Reservoir Dogs spoof as done by Quentin Tarantino).
- Groundskeeper Willie was once in love with a woman (the mysterious Scottish woman who asked him for a place to wash her hair/Shari Bobbins back when she lived in Scotland and was blind).
- Two Bad Neighbors: Gerald Ford appears
- Homer and Apu:
- Apu sells expired food at the Kwik-E-Mart
- Homer and Apu and A Star is Burns: The Simpsons sing along with a house guest (Apu in "Who Needs The Kwik-E-Mart?"/Jay Sherman in The Oscar Meyer wiener jingle/Shari Bobbins in "It's the American Way" and "We're Happy Just The Way We Are")
- A Milhouse Divided: A Simpsons episode begins with the family eating dinner in front of the TV.
- The PTA Disbands and Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy: A reference to doing a half-assed job.
- Bart the Murderer and Radio Bart: Bart and cigarette smoking (Homer thinks Bart is smoking, when he's really using his room to store cigarette cartons for Fat Tony and his men/Bart lamenting that he'll never smoke his first cigarette now that he's stuck in a well/Bart declares that he'll take up smoking and give that up).
- Bart Gets Famous: A character voiced by Dan Castellaneta (teenage Homer/Groundskeeper Willie) does a one-man band act in public and it goes badly (teenage Homer drives the crowd away by playing an off-key version of "Tighten Up" and gets attacked by a organ grinder monkey named Pepe/no one applauds or reacts to Groundskeeper Willie's performance of "Maniac").
- Kamp Krusty:
- Kearney gets (or, in this case, applies for) a job taking care of kids, despite being abusive to children.
- Homer's remaining hair strands are referred to as a "combover".
- Marge's hair falling out again after Shari Bobbins leaves is similar to Homer's new strands of hair falling out after seeing Bart on the news as the ringleader of the Kamp Krusty riot.
- Bart's Girlfriend: Kids playing Cowboys and Indians (all the kids in town/Bart and Milhouse)
- Treehouse of Horror II: Kearney visits the Simpsons' house (threatens to egg the house on Halloween, and does it anyway/applies for the nanny job, but gets rejected).
- Duffless: Bart and cupcakes (gets traumatized over Lisa using them on Bart for her science experiment/whips cupcakes at the wall).
- Krusty Gets Kancelled: Grampa thinking the TV remote is a cordless phone and a hot clothes iron is "the old-fashioned model" of a phone is similar to when he told the kids that a fax machine is just a waffle iron with a phone attached.
- Marge Be Not Proud: A Krusty the Klown TV special has the unfortunate initials of "KKK" ("A Krusty Kinda Khristmas"/"Krusty Komedy Klassics", only the former episode didn't have a scene of Krusty noticing this and the audience's angry reaction to it).
- The War of the Simpsons:
- A babysitter gets scared off by a Simpson male (the family's usual babysitter remembers Bart as the baby that tried to run her down with the family car/Homer attacks the old women applying to be nannies because he thinks they're men in drag, thanks to watching the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire).
- The War of the Simpsons and Bart on the Road: Bart commits a crime involving a car (attempted vehicular homicide by trying to run over the babysitter/buying a rental car with a fake ID/Bart's line in the end song, "I'm stuck here/'Til I can steal a car!")
- The War of the Simpsons, Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie, and Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily: reference to Grampa Simpson babysitting the Simpson kids.
- A babysitter gets scared off by a Simpson male (the family's usual babysitter remembers Bart as the baby that tried to run her down with the family car/Homer attacks the old women applying to be nannies because he thinks they're men in drag, thanks to watching the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire).
- The Springfield Connection: Homer supplies alcohol for Kearney (buys beer for him, Dolph, and Jimbo/tells Kearney there's a bottle of Schnapps in the baby's crib).
- The Springfield Connection, Much Apu About Nothing, and El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer: Kearney drinks alcohol, despite looking underage.
- Duffless:
- Homer hides alcohol in the house (has beer in the toilet tank/hides Schnapps in Maggie's crib)
- A Simpson male was (or wants to be) an underage drinker (Homer remembers when he got his first six-pack of Duff with a fake ID at seventeen/Homer sings to Bart that he can't be a boozehound until he's 15).
- Homer's Barbershop Quartet: Barney has a beautiful singing voice.
- And Maggie Makes Three: A Simpson parent (Homer/Marge) tears their hair out by the roots (Homer, on the three times Marge told him that she was pregnant, even though the news about Marge being pregnant with Bart and the news about Marge being pregnant with Lisa played out differently/Marge, during her line in the end song, "The house is still a mess/And I'm going bald from stress...").
- Marge vs. the Monorail:
- A Simpsons episode that parodies a movie musical (The Music Man/Mary Poppins).
- Marge vs. the Monorail and Marge on the Lam: Homer and "No Fat Chicks" (Homer thinks the town should spend the $3 million from Mr. Burns on a giant billboard that reads, "No Fat Chicks"/Homer barges in on Marge having friends over, wearing a "No Fat Chicks" T-shirt and complaining that he's being sprayed by a skunk/Homer suggesting "no fat chicks" as part of the requirements for a nanny).
- Treehouse of Horror III and The Front: A scene ends with the Love, American Style heart-shaped iris-out (the ends of "Clown Without Pity" and "King Homer"/Grampa's dream of being The Queen of the Old West/the end of "A Boozehound Named Barney").
- Who Shot Mr. Burns, Part Two: Someone coughs up cigarette butts (Smithers, after he wakes up from his Speedway Squad! dream/Bart in the deleted scene where Shari Bobbins takes the kids to see Patty and Selma).
- Marge Gets a Job: Mr. Burns is still alive, despite his barely-beating heart.
- Mr. Plow: Barney mistakes someone for Superman when saying goodbye to them (Adam West/Shari Bobbins).
Cultural references[]
- The title of this episode references the song Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius, one of the songs in the Mary Poppins film.
- The entire episode is a parody of Mary Poppins, the 1964 Disney film. It shares a similar storyline, parodies its musical numbers and Shary's name itself is wordplay on Mary's. Here is a list of music score parodies between the Simpsons and the original Mary Poppins. Names of the scores are from Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons and Mary Poppins OST, respectively:
- Happy Just the Way We are: The Life I Lead
- Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious (Medley): The Perfect Nanny
- Cut Every Corner: A Spoonful of Sugar
- A Boozehound Named Barney: Feed the Birds
- We Love to Smoke (cut from the episode but available in the album and can be seen on the deleted scenes reel on the season eight DVD set): I Love to Laugh
- During the park scene Principal Skinner attempts to sell Jimbo Jones into labor by yelling "Boy for Sale". This is a reference to the musical number in the 1968 musical film Oliver! when Mr. Bumble sells Oliver to the undertaker Mr. Sowerberry after failing to sell Oliver to a blacksmith and a chef.
- One of the nanny applicants was a kindly old lady, Homer reacted to this by saying: "Wait, Marge, I saw Mrs. Doubtfire; this is a man in drag!".
- The Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in this episode is a parody of one of the scenes in Reservoir Dogs, of which Quentin Tarantino directed. When Itchy kills Tarantino, he and Scratchy dance the famous choreography in Pulp Fiction, another film directed by Tarantino.
- The failed skit that Krusty attempted to do in his Krusty Komedy Klassics, "Mad About Shoe," was a reference to the sitcom Mad About You. He also mentioned a "NYPD Shoe" skit when he learned that the audience didn't like it and warned that it was the same thing, a reference to the show NYPD Blue and how both the comedies and dramas of 1990s American network TV had sex scenes in them.
- When Krusty brings up Gerald Ford for a comedy routine, the song Hail to the Chief is heard in the background.
- The Bratwurst commercial song is a reference to the Oscar Mayer Bologna song.

Snake with blue hair
- In the Krusty sketch, the curtains are mostly red but when he's performing the joke with the dog, they are blue. It may be a different set.
- If Krusty is illiterate, how does he know the unfortunate implications behind the initials "KKK"? Considering his illiteracy was only ever brought up in Krusty Gets Busted, and Lisa's First Word, which is mostly chronologically set before the rest of the series, shows him clearly able to read, he most likely feigned illiteracy to prove his innocence in robbing the Kwik-E-Mart. Or maybe's he's semi-literate or possibly dyslexic (either genetically or because of rampant drug abuse in his years as an entertainer). He can read most things, but doesn't understand the meaning of the words or mixes them up with other words, like how he mistook "S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N" for a place called "Sex Cauldron" on "Grade School Confidential"
- In the Krusty scene with Gerald Ford, Krusty's gloves are yellow instead of white. And he is wearing gloves: the lines are still on the back of them, indicating they are in fact gloves.
Shary's undershirt is the wrong color
- When Marge denies Kearney the nanny position, a piece of her hair with a hole in it is briefly filled in.
- As Bart stuffs clothing in the closet, a piece of the closet wall is for a few frames colored red like a garment that is nearby.
- When Chief Wiggum is shown during the "Cut Every Corner" number, Snake is seen with blue hair while robbing Hans Moleman.
- Also in that sequence, when Apu is singing, the area of Shary's white undershirt beneath her bowtie is briefly colored dark like her jacket.

Shary with black hair

Bleeding Gums Murphy with a dark brown beard
- The tree that Grampa crashed into at the end of the episode isn't usually in the Simpsons front yard.
- When Shary first announces that her work with the Simpsons is finished, her hair is black instead of brown viewed from the back.

A blue Duff label with red text
- When Shary Bobbins gets drunk in the living room, she is wearing a blue dress. When the family comes over to comfort her, she is wearing her black dress which was seen earlier.
- On the "Before They Were Famous" television show, Bleeding Gums Murphy's beard is colored darker than it usually is.
- The Duff Beer label in this episode is light blue with red text instead of the usual red with black text.
- Quentin Tarantino wears a shirt with pink designs on it, one of which disappears for a frame.
- Even though Bobbins was only a relative distance away from the ground, she died from an airplane engine, even though an airplane flying that low would be violating FAA rules.