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The Italian Bob
Simpsons Christmas Stories
Homer's Paternity Coot


  • This is the 365th episode. With this episode, it's now possible for viewers to watch one episode a day for a year without repeating (except leap years, though the next episode -- "Homer's Paternity Coot" -- can be added for leap years or for regular years if one were to skip over the banned season three episode "Stark Raving Dad").
  • This is the fourth episode of The Simpsons to date to air with a parental advisory warning before the episode in Australia for "adult themes" (most likely because of the spoof of Jesus's birth [which would have offended Christian audiences], the reference to Grampa Simpson's brother becoming a polygamist, and Moe's suicide attempts).
  • This episode was originally scheduled to air on Australia's Network Ten on May 9th, 2006, but was replaced with the season fourteen episode "How I Spent My Strummer Vacation".
  • Lisa Jr. makes a silent cameo in the second act meaning that she (along with Homer and the people of Micronesia) survived.

Cultural References[]

  • Homer amuses Bart with Three Stooges gags.
  • Homer ends his Christmas sermon with a terrible imitation of Paul Harvey.
  • Krusty's sidekick in 1964 bears a striking resemblance to Woody Allen, though his hairdo is very much like Sideshow Mel's.

Season 16 Season 17 References/Trivia Season 18
The Bonfire of the ManateesThe Girl Who Slept Too LittleMilhouse of Sand and FogTreehouse of Horror XVIMarge's Son PoisoningSee Homer RunThe Last of the Red Hat MamasThe Italian BobSimpsons Christmas StoriesHomer's Paternity CootWe're on the Road to D'oh-whereMy Fair LaddyThe Seemingly Never-Ending StoryBart Has Two MommiesHomer Simpson, This is Your WifeMillion-Dollar AbieKiss Kiss Bang BangaloreThe Wettest Stories Ever ToldGirls Just Want to Have SumsRegarding MargieThe Monkey SuitMarge and Homer Turn a Couple Play