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Ssi 5 The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.

The Sirens reside on an island which Odysseus and his crew encountered on their journey back to Ithaca.


Once Poseidon had redirected their course, Odysseus and his men found themselves at the Mad Isles. The music they heard was deemed "kind of catchy" by Lenny. Carl gestured towards the source of the music and proposed they head towards it without much thought. Lenny concurred, saying, "That's right!"

As the crew neared the island, they were oblivious to the jagged rock formations and shipwrecks that littered its perimeter. Their attention was wholly captured by the sirens' enchanting melody, leading Odysseus to exclaim, "Boy, your allure matches your song... Wow!" However, Odysseus's tone shifted abruptly when the ship approached close enough for the crew to behold the mermaids: "Oh, God! What a sight!" Echoing his dismay, the crew members (including Jonathan Frink, who pleaded, "Somebody save me from the women!" as his glasses shattered) swiftly maneuvered the ship to retreat, hastening away from the island they had once sought.

Frink was not seen after that point of the trip, which suggests that the sight of the mermaids might have killed him, driven him insane, or led him to commit suicide.

