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Special Edna |
- Speaker: Welcome - to the electric car of the future! Sponsored by the gasoline producers of America.
- Electric Car: Hello, I am an electric car. I can't go very fast, or very far. And if you drive me, people will think you're gay!
- Principal Skinner: I believe the only venue for me is the ride of broken dreams.
- Homer: Oh, you mean the Enron ride. Let's go.
- Enron Passenger: We're all gonna be rich!
- Edna Krabappel: The topic for your research paper is World War I.
- Bart: Was that the one with Hitler, or the one with Merlin?
- Nelson: You idiot! Merlin was in Vietnam!
- (Edna Krabappel finds out she won Teacher of the Year)
- Edna Krabappel: I can´t believe it! This, after I accidentally showed the R-rated Romeo and Juliet. I thought that nipple would haunt me forever!
- Edna Krabappel: You've got to stop putting your mother ahead of me! We have a date!
- Principal Skinner: I'll be back in three hours. (sexily) Maybe less. (normal) But almost certainly more.
- (Little Richard is on stage)
- Homer: Purple Rain!
- Little Richard: SHUT UP!
- Homer: (excited) Michael Jackson told me to shut up.
- Teacher of the Year Judge: This is running long, we will just go ahead and name a winner.
- Simpsons: Edna! Edna!
- Teacher of the Year Judge: Julio Estudiante, an inner city math teacher who taught teenage gang members that differential equations are more powerful than bullets.