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The Great Train Wreck
Spree For All
Handy Pop Culture Quotes For All Occasions!

Full Story

Bart, Milhouse and Martin discover that there is a shopping spree contest and they all decide to participate. The contest's winner gets to take how ever many toys he or she possibly can in under five minutes. After a while, Krusty pulls out the name of the winner and it was Bart. Fat Tony becomes angry at Krusty who promised that his nephew would win. Bart begins to plan how he will spend his five minutes in the store and he is persuaded by Homer and Lisa to get them gifts from the shop. When he later goes to the school bus everyone wants things from the school and even Skinner and Comic Book Guy wants him to get toys to them. The family also get visited by his long-lost cousins ​​from Togonia who want to Bart get gifts for them.

It's time for the contest and all the people that Bart promised gifts to are there to cheer him, just when the competition starts Bart shouts that he does not care about their wishes and they start to chase him through the entire store during the race. They catch up with him, resulting in a crash and those who chased him getting injured. The collision results at Bart becomes dizzy and manages to get over the finish line just before time runs out unwittingly of what he managed to get along. It turns out that he had with him at the exit is several pony dolls, exactly what Lisa wanted. The bullies tell him that they enact revenge on Bart the next day because they did not get their toys. Bart is not happy as Lisa got everything she wanted while Bart got nothing. Marge is happy just because the whole saga has ended.

Bart Simpson Comics Stories 101-150
Bart Simpson Comics
Cross Country Clown | Bart Gets Stumped | Mayor Maggie | Stink & Stinkability | Hot Air Buffoon | The Case of the Sax Solo Saboteur | No Purchase Necessary | Lisa the Vampire Croaker | Milhouse...The Girl? | Prankster's Helper | Bart Goes to the Movies | Angry Dad in Trimming the Hedges | Bart Cops Out | If You Can't Wiggum, Join 'Em! | Presenting Eastern Europe's Favorite Cartoon Cat and Mouse Team: Worker and Parasite! | The Book That Ate Springfield | The Secret Life of Bart | The Great Train Wreck | Spree For All | Handy Pop Culture Quotes For All Occasions! | Shopping for School Supplies the Bart Simpson Way! | The Disappearing Duchess! | Hog Tied | Clone Alone | Baby Got Back (at Burns) | Fort Knocks | The Uter Bomber | A Load of Trouble | Signs of Intelligent Life| Mr. Bart Krabappel! | Willie and the Weasels | Burger Meister | The Return of Truckasaurus | Today's Science Prank with Professor Frink | Barty & Milhousy | Elementary School Dropout One Flew Over the Retirement Castle | Bart vs. Bart 1 | Going Postal | One For All and Alpha One | The Ten-Inator Chapter One: Attend the Tale | The Ten-Inator Chapter Two: The Tension Mounts | The Ten-Inator Chapter Three: Intense Radiation | The Ten-Inator Chapter Four: The Best Intentions | The Ten-Inator Chapter Five: When Ten Titans Clash!! | Principal Simpson! | Milhouse's Guide to Keeping It Cool | Ralph Learns a Lesson | Bigger Than Big