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Stephen Colbert (born May 13, 1964) is an American actor, comedian and writer best known for his work on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart also as the host of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central and the host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS. He guest starred as Colby Krause in "He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs." Colby's appearance resembles Colbert's. He was thrilled to have got the part as he didn't expect to.

Colbert is also The Voice of Phil Ken Sebben From Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law and Professor Impossible From Venture Bros from [Adult Swim]

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Guest stars in Season 19
Lance ArmstrongJack BlackSteve BuscemiDrew CareyGlenn CloseDan ClowesStephen ColbertBeverly D'AngeloZooey DeschanelMatt DillionDixie ChicksPlácido DomingoTopher GraceTerry GrossJim JarmuschKurt LoderJulia Louis-DreyfusJohn MahoneyAlan MooreTed NugentKeith OlbermanDavid Hyde PierceDan RatherJohn C. ReillyLionel RichieMaya RudolphArt SpiegelmanJon StewartWeird Al Yankovic