“ | Something is very wrong with this plane. This is a trap! (passengers chattering) It's a conspiracy to take us down! (Woman: Get out of here!) Oh. Oh! They're experimenting on us! I won't be a rat in your flying cage! | „ |
~ Stressed Woman |
The stressed woman is an unnamed woman who was passenger in Convenience Airways.
On the flight, the woman seated next to Homer, yet she goes crazy, exclaiming that there was something seriously mistaken with the plane and that it was a trap. She asserted that there was a conspiracy to take her down and that they were being used as subjects for experimentation. Subsequently, Joel and another flight attendant drag her away.
Later, most of the passengers had been transported to in-flight prison, the stressed woman informed everyone that she had attempted to warn them, but they had dismissed her as crazy. Lisa suggested that changing her tone might have prompted them to listen to her. She shouted that her tone was fine, yet Joel sprayed at her with a hose.