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The Wreck of the Relationship
Super Franchise Me
Treehouse of Horror XXV
Homer: Oh, Marge! Once again, you've taken one of my screwups and turned it into food! Man, if only you could do that with Bart.
(Bart turns into a grocery bag full of food. Two baguettes, a carton of milk, and a bottle of wine are visible at the top of the bag.)
Bart: Mom! Dad's imagining me as food again!
(In Homer's mind, Marge is an ice cream cone, while Lisa and Maggie are cookies.)
Marge: He does it to all of us.
(Abe walks up, in the form of a potato.)
Abe: Can someone put butter on me?
Homer: Family-icious! (drools)
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Season 25 Season 26 Quotes Season 27
Clown in the DumpsThe Wreck of the RelationshipSuper Franchise MeTreehouse of Horror XXVOpposites A-FrackSimpsoramaBlazed and ConfusedCovercraftI Won't Be Home for ChristmasThe Man Who Came to Be DinnerBart's New FriendThe Musk Who Fell to EarthWalking Big & TallMy Fare LadyThe Princess GuideSky PoliceWaiting for DuffmanPeeping MomThe Kids Are All FightLet's Go Fly a CootBull-EMathlete's Feat