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X-Men Family
The Big Bang Theory couch gag
Chia Pets Family

The Big Bang Theory couch gag is the twelfth couch gag of Season 28. It was used in the episode "Looking for Mr. Goodbart".


The Fox logo is shown on a black background, which then explodes, segueing to a pan through space, followed by a sequence of pictures from several Simpsons episodes. This is followed by a HD remake of the normal couch gag from "The Call of the Simpsons", and “Some Enchanted Evening” but halfway through, the couch disappears, causing the Simpsons to land on the floor.





⇐ Season 27 Season 28 couch gags Season 29 ⇒
Adventure Time couch gagMyPad couch gagPlanet of the Couches couch gagArt Museum couch gagGreek Gods couch gagBart Gets the Remote couch gagThe Third of May 1808 couch gagA Christmas Carol couch gagCouch Gag merchandise couch gagMaggie in the Safe couch gagRobot Chicken Missing Sailboat couch gagPachinko couch gagThe Artiste couch gagSimpson Family Pets couch gagX-Men Family couch gagThe Big Bang Theory couch gagChia Pets Family couch gagIce Shelf couch gag