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Homer vs. Dignity
The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
The Great Money Caper

Cultural references[]

  • The episode title is a pun on the 1969 Disney movie The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, which was remade into a TV movie in 1995, starring Kirk Cameron.
  • The episode is both a parody of, and an homage to, the 1960s TV series The Prisoner. Patrick McGoohan voices Number 6 in the episode, reprising his character from The Prisoner (In the episode, "The Village" has been replaced by "The Island").
  • When Homer is sailing away, the boss of the clan is watching him from a big building with a round window, and is trying to stop him using different things. This is a reference to the 1998 movie The Truman Show, when Truman Burbank is trying to escape from the fake town.

Dub Changes[]

  • In the German dub of this episode, the German doppelganger of Homer speaks with an Italian accent.

Previous Episode References[]

  • Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie: Bart brings a knife to school (the Krusty doll with a blade in its head/Bart mentions a switchblade being found in his locker)
  • Das Bus:
    • Homer gets into the Internet.
    • Comic Book Guy looks at Internet porn.
  • Lisa's Sax: The family ignores Bart's emotional problems.
  • The Joy of Sect: Reference to The Prisoner.
  • Boy-Scoutz 'n The Hood, Fear of Flying, Brother from the Same Planet: Homer has a doppelganger that's not related to him.
  • Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner: Homer becomes a writer whose work gets him in big trouble.
  • Marge in Chains: The Flanders kids are sick with the flu.
  • Burns' Heir and Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish": People disguised as members of The Simpsons family (the actors Mr. Burns hired for the video where The Simpsons say that they don't miss Bart/the Brazilian assassin, Mr. Burns, and Smithers as Homer, Marge, and Bart/the German doppelganger of Homer).
  • Days of Wine and D'oh'ses: An episode ends with steam billowing out and covering the screen.
  • Wild Barts Can't Be Broken: A Simpson male (Bart/Homer) uses technology (radio/the Internet) to broadcast people's secrets to the masses.
  • The Springfield Files:
    • A bizarre Simpsons episode based on a sci-fi series (The X-Files/The Prisoner)
    • A character's distressing story (the arsonist who torched a building downtown and wants to turn himself in before he does it again/Bart getting in trouble for having a switchblade in his locker, taking a swing at a cop, and declaring that he's starting to feel angry all the time) gets ignored (by Chief Wiggum who thinks it's a fake story like Homer reporting that he saw an alien that, like Steve Urkel from Family Matters, has a sweet heavenly voice and appears every Friday night/by Homer and Lisa, because Lisa is lecturing Homer for stealing other people's online content and memes for his own website).


  • Near the new pool, there is a guy with the words "City Worker" on the back of his blue shirt putting finishing touches on a statue. He is using cement from a bag labeled POTHOLE CEMENT. Later, when we see people repairing the pothole, they are wearing orange jump suits, and the stuff they are filling the hole with is most definitely tar.
  • When Homer enters his URL to show the family his page, all the keys he types are function keys, control keys, and numeric keypad keys—but no letters.
  • When Homer has the computer in the kitchen it has a can holder and other features. But when he is using it on the sofa it has none of those features on it.
  • Potholes are actually treated with a 'Cold' or 'Hot' mix, depending on the season, which it's a asphalt-based mixture, not cement.
  • The woman presenting the Pulitzer never mentioned the category in which Homer won the prize.
  • After it was revealed that Mayor Quimby spent the money (that were for mending a hole in the road) for his own swimming pool the hole is being fixed but it is never explained where did the town get the money as mayor spent them for the pool.
  • Mrs. Krabappel's voice sounds off when she points out that Homer is Mr. X.
  • Maggie isn’t with the Simpsons when the family were pleased that Homer came back from the island, nor when they ended up on the island.

Season 11 Season 12 References/Trivia Season 13
Treehouse of Horror XIA Tale of Two SpringfieldsInsane Clown PoppyLisa the Tree HuggerHomer vs. DignityThe Computer Wore Menace ShoesThe Great Money CaperSkinner's Sense of SnowHOMЯPokey MomWorst Episode EverTennis the MenaceDay of the JackanapesNew Kids on the BlecchHungry, Hungry HomerBye Bye NerdieSimpson SafariTrilogy of ErrorI'm Goin' to PraiselandChildren of a Lesser ClodSimpsons Tall Tales