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Simpsons Wiki
So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
The Front
Whacking Day

Opening Credits[]

Supervising Producer
George Meyer

Jon Vitti

John Swartzwelder

Jeff Martin
Conan O'Brien
Frank Mula

Produced by
Richard Raynis
David Silverman
Richard Sakai

The Front

Written by
Adam I. Lapidus

Directed by
Rich Moore

Closing Credits[]

Executive Producers
James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon

Dan Castellaneta
Julie Kavner
Nancy Cartwright
Yeardley Smith
Hank Azaria
Harry Shearer

Special Guest Voice
Brooke Shields

Also Starring
Doris Grau
Maggie Roswell

Executive Consultant
Brad Bird

Story Editors
Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein
Dan McGrath

Associate Producers
J. Michael Mendel
Joseph A. Boucher

Theme By
Danny Elfman

Music By
Alf Clausen

Casting by
Bonita Pietila

Mark McJimsey
Don Barrozo

Animation Production Manager
Ken Tsumura

Post Production Supervisors
Jeffrey L. Goldstein
Colin A.B.V. Lewis

Dialogue Sound Editors
Bobby Mackston
Mark McJimsey
Terry Greene

Music Editor
Chris Ledesma

Sound Effects Editor
Travis Powers

Re-Recording Mixers
R. Russell Smith
Anthony D'Amico
Greg Orloff

Production Coordinator
Jacqueline Sillo

Production Mixer
Brad Brock

Sound Recordists
Ronny Cox
Randy Piotroski

Script Supervisor
Doris Grau

Post Production Audio Facility
Skywalker Sound

Post Production Facility

ADR Recordist
Derek Sample

Presented in
Dolby Surround™

Assistants to Mr. Brooks
Trixie Flynn
Maria Kavanaugh

Assistant to Mr. Groening
Julie Steddom Smith

Assistant to Mr. Simon
Daria Paris

Assistant to Messrs. Jean & Reiss
Dee Cappelli

Assistant to Mr. Sakai
Jane M. Mackie

Assistants to the Producers
Leslie Richter
Bonnie Vitti
Richard-Kevin Stith
Don Gilbert
C.J. Gibson
Jacqueline Atkins

Assistant to the Associate Producers
Alison Elliott

Animation Produced by
Film Roman, Inc.

Animation Executive Producer
Phil Roman

Animation Producers
Bill Schultz
Michael Wolf

Overseas Animation Directors
Mike Girard
N.J. Kim

Korean Production Company
Akom Studios

Assistant Director
Alan Smart

Storyboard Supervisor
Kevin O'Brien

Storyboard Artists
Jeffrey A. Myers
Martin Archer
Dominic Polcino

Storyboard Assistant
John Rice

Character Design Supervisor
Dale Hendrickson

Character Designers
Scott Alberts
Sean Applegate
Matt Groening
Sam Simon

Background Design Supervisor
Lance Wilder

Background Designers
John Krause
Maria Mariotti

Character Layout Artists
Mike Anderson
Tibor Belay
Mark Ervin
Eric Keyes
Jeff LaFlamme
Istvan Majoros
John Mathot
Dan Povenmire
Sondra S. Roy
William Tucker

Background Layout Artists
John M. Berman
Sarah Frost

Background Clean-up Artist
Jefferson R. Weekley

Animation Timings
Neil Affleck
George Chialtas
Chuck Sheetz
Adam Kuhlman

Lip Sync
Kent Holaday

Color Design Supervisor
Kim Taylor

Color Designers
Karen Bauer
Andrew Brandou
Paul Fetler
Adriana Galvez
Brian Mark

Background Painter
Adriana Galvez

Ink & Paint Supervisor
Phyllis Craig

Casey Clayton
Belle Norman

Animation Checkers
Merle Welton
Jackie Banks

Animation Camera Operators
Patrick Buchanan
Robert Ingram
Ted Bemiller

Assistant Film Editor
Lee Harting

Track Reader

Production Managers
Miles Lewis Horst
Barbara J. Cordova

Post Production Coordinator
Angela Ousey

Production Associates
Raymond M. Iacovacci
Helen Brennick
Laurie D. Templeton

Main Title Design
David Silverman

Main Title Technical Director
Rick Bugental

Main Title Animation Animators
Tibor Belay
Craig Clark
Mark Ervin
Steve Fellner
Jeffrey A. Myers
Lalo Olivares
Kevin Petrilak
Sondra S. Roy
Gregg Vanzo
Kevin Wurzer
Fredrick J. Gardner III

Main Title Chalkboard Digital Compositor
Adam Howard

Production Accountant
Anthony R. Reyes

Negative Cutter
Tim Heyen, D & A Neg Cutting

Richard Cassel, Unitel

Production Assistants
Richmond M. Horine
Steve Ingram
Geoffrey W. Mark
Wendy Wells

The persons in this film are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional.


Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws. This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution. The Simpsons and the Simpsons characters, ™ Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. N.A.B.

Executive in Charge of Production For Gracie Films
Michael P. Schoenbrun

For 20th Television

Creative Consultant
Matt Groening

Creative Supervisor
Sam Simon

Executive Creative Consultant
James L. Brooks

Season 3 Season 4 Credits Season 5
Kamp KrustyA Streetcar Named MargeHomer the HereticLisa the Beauty QueenTreehouse of Horror IIIItchy & Scratchy: The MovieMarge Gets a JobNew Kid on the BlockMr. PlowLisa's First WordHomer's Triple BypassMarge vs. the MonorailSelma's ChoiceBrother from the Same PlanetI Love LisaDufflessLast Exit to SpringfieldSo It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip ShowThe FrontWhacking DayMarge in ChainsKrusty Gets Kancelled