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Mad About the Toy
The Girl on the Bus
I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can
Homer-doh D'oh! There are some missing quotes in this article or section. You can help the wiki by embiggening it.
  • Mr. Monroe: It's such a shame that we'll never ever meet them.
  • Lisa: How come?
  • Sam: We're going to be moving soon.
  • Mr. Monroe: My research grant came through.
  • Cheryl: Sam's father studies the harmful effects of family relocation on children.
  • Mr. Monroe: Takes me all over the world!
  • Lisa: So I guess you'll never meet my parents.
  • Mr. Monroe: So we'll only know them through what you say right now. Right... now.
  • Lisa: Well, my father works with his hands... [Her thought bubble appears with Homer strangling Bart.] he's a sculptor! [Her thought changes into Homer working on his sculpture piece.]
  • Mr. Monroe: And your mother?
  • Lisa: Mother is a chemist. [Inside her thought bubble, Marge pours detergent into the bucket and scrubs jam off Homer's shirt.] And I have a sister, too! [Her thought changes into Maggie.]
  • Maggie: (sucking her pacifier)
  • Lisa: [Her thought is Maggie as a professor.] She's a professor of non-linguistic communication.
  • Maggie: (sucking her pacifier again)
  • Lisa: [Her thought changes from Maggie as a professor back to on a high chair as a baby.] Has a high chair.
  • Cheryl: Fascinating! Do you have any brothers?
  • Lisa: [Her thought bubble appears with Bart.] Nope. [Her thought bubble disappears as Bart glares. He was like "Hey!"]

  • Ralph: I have five face holes!

  • Homer: Lisa, I understand that this family isn't perfect. Your mom has her flaws, but there are a lot of people who really like her.
  • Lisa: Mom's not the problem.
  • Homer: (gasps) So, it's Maggie. I know she can't speak. She's just a little SLO.
  • Marge: It's all of us, Homer! She's embarrassed by all of us!
  • Lisa: No, not at all!
  • Marge: You said I was a chemist. I'm not a chemist!
  • Lisa: But you are a chemist, in a way that you deal with the household spills and the way that...
  • Marge: Oh, spare me.
  • Bart: And just what did you say I was?!
  • Lisa: I said you never existed.
  • Bart: That's the life for me!
  • Marge: I'm not a chemist! I never even finished college! I'm just someone who devotes every day to making your life a little better!

  • Homer: (whispering) Ask her if we can have pizza tonight.
  • Marge: You can have pizza, but your father gets vegetables.
  • Homer: D'oh!

Season 29 Season 30 Quotes Season 31
Bart's Not DeadHeartbreak HotelMy Way or the Highway to HeavenTreehouse of Horror XXIXBaby You Can't Drive My CarFrom Russia Without LoveWerking MomKrusty the ClownDaddicus Finch'Tis the 30th SeasonMad About the ToyThe Girl on the BusI'm Dancing as Fat as I CanThe Clown Stays in the Picture101 MitigationsI Want You (She's So Heavy)E My SportsBart vs. Itchy & ScratchyGirl's in the BandI'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'ohD'oh CanadaWoo-hoo Dunnit?Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion