Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ The Lastest Gun in the West
The Old Man and the Key
Tales from the Public Domain ā–ŗ
Abe Simpson: (to Zelda) I just wanna say... we're through! Nobody dumps Abe Simpson! You're nothing but a hoochie! Hoochie! Hoochie! Hoochie!
Audience: Hoochie! Hoochie! Hoochie!
Charo: (shaking her maracas) Hoochie! Hoochie! Hoochie!
(Zelda runs off stage crying)

Homer: (to Grampa) Do you have any idea what you put me through!? I called the police, the hospital, my bookie, the kennel. Okay, this isn't about who I called!

Homer: (sees his car in ruins; to Abe) Huh? Oh, that is it! Abraham J. Simpson, You are NEVER! DRIVING! AGAIN! EVER!

Bart: B6!
Homer: You sunk my Scrabble-ship!
Lisa: This game makes no sense.
Homer: Tell that to the good men that just lost their lives. Semper Fi. 

Yakov Smirnov: In Soviet Union, revue watches you!

ā—„ Season 12 Season 13 Quotes Season 14 ā–ŗ
Treehouse of Horror XII ā€¢ The Parent Rap ā€¢ Homer the Moe ā€¢ A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love ā€¢ The Blunder Years ā€¢ She of Little Faith ā€¢ Brawl in the Family ā€¢ Sweets and Sour Marge ā€¢ Jaws Wired Shut ā€¢ Half-Decent Proposal ā€¢ The Bart Wants What it Wants ā€¢ The Lastest Gun in the West ā€¢ The Old Man and the Key ā€¢ Tales from the Public Domain ā€¢ Blame it on Lisa ā€¢ Weekend at Burnsie's ā€¢ Gump Roast ā€¢ I Am Furious (Yellow) ā€¢ The Sweetest Apu ā€¢ Little Girl in the Big Ten ā€¢ The Frying Game ā€¢ Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge