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The Pagans
The Closet


  • This is the first instance of Bart referring to his father as "Homer".
  • This marked the debut of Homer's ill-temper, his use of the words "why" and "little" as a reaction of anger, and where he positioned his arms in a manner which suggested he was making an attempt to strangle any of his children.
  • Marge had no lines of dialogue in this short.
  • Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are first shown wearing something else other than their normal clothes for the first time. The next was a similar circumstance seen in "Bart of the Jungle" but with ties.
  • This Simpsons short which references a rejection of church debuted exactly one week before Jimmy Swaggart agreed to step down from Assemblies of God and also confessed that he "sinned" with a prostitute[1], and shortly before Jim Bakker's developing scandal resulted in criminal charges being filed. Unlike Swaggart, Bakker was not as big of a target for Peg Bundy actress Katey Sagal's godfather Norman Lear's group People for the American Way. In fact, Lear stated in a letter to Reagan that was made public by Harper's Weekly in 1984 that he considered Swaggart, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and James Robison as his prime targets.[2]
  • It’s unknown what happens after Homer opened the church doors, since he just stood still at the entrance, with an angry face. Not seeking for the children at all.

Shorts: Season 1 Shorts: Season 2 References/Trivia Shorts: Season 3
Making FacesThe FuneralMaggie's BrainFootballHouse of CardsBart and Dad Eat DinnerSpace PatrolBart's HaircutWorld War IIIThe Perfect CrimeScary StoriesGrandpa & the KidsGone Fishin'SkateboardingThe PagansThe ClosetThe AquariumFamily PortraitBart's HiccupsThe Money JarThe Art MuseumZoo Story