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The Fabulous Faker Boy
The Saga of Carl
Dangers on a Train
Homer: What the...? Change the channel? But I'm watching soft-core tennis.
Bart and Lisa: Ki-Ya Karate Monsters!
Homer: What the hell is that?
Bart: It's our favorite show.
Lisa: Mom said we could watch it.
Marge: No!

Homer: You like this now? What about Planet Jackson and the Earth Brigade?
Bart: Dad, we don't watch that show anymore!
Lisa: It's for babies! (Maggie drops one of the toys)

Homer: Guys, this science exhibit told me how stupid it is to play the lottery.
Moe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. So you didn't buy our weekly ticket?
Homer: Are you nuts? You can't win if you don't play.
Carl: Hey it's time. Turn it on, turn it on! Moe turns on TV using Remote
Homer: 4 Lucky numbers for 4 best friends.
Moe: Yeah, I always go with 3, the number of brothers and sisters I, uh, Hunger Games-ed in the womb.
Lenny: 19 for me Uh, for the best year of my life, 1996.
Carl: My Number's 22. No reason. Just... 22.
Homer: And I'm 69 Because people always laugh when you say "69." No one knows why.
Kent: And the winning numbers are... 3, 19, 22, and 69. (laughing)
Lenny: Oh, my gosh. We won We won the Springfield Lottery.
Moe: That's 200 grand. That's 50,000 bucks each!

Homer: We talk about guy stuff. Like baseball and trucks and when guys lift too much weight and their bungus drops out. You know, guy stuff.
Marge: Maybe if you talked less about guy stuff, you'd know more about your so-called history.
Moe: Well, it don't matter no more, Midge. Carl is gone, and we're already auditioning replacements.

Marge: What The!

Moe: (as Lenny fights Carl) When the nice ones snap, it's always a good show.
Homer: Yes!

Lenny: Carl Carlson is our friend, even if he doesn't believe it.
Moe: If we can forgive Carl for stealing our lottery winnings, maybe youse can find it in youse's hearts to forgive his ancestors.

Season 23 Season 24 Quotes Season 25
Moonshine RiverTreehouse of Horror XXIIIAdventures in Baby-GettingGone Abie GonePenny-WiseguysA Tree Grows in SpringfieldThe Day the Earth Stood CoolTo Cur, with LoveHomer Goes to Prep SchoolA Test Before TryingChanging of the GuardianLove is a Many-Splintered ThingHardly Kirk-ingGorgeous GrampaBlack-Eyed, PleaseDark Knight CourtWhat Animated Women WantPulpit FrictionWhiskey BusinessThe Fabulous Faker BoyThe Saga of CarlDangers on a Train