The Seven Dwarves are dwarves that are in a story by Lisa Simpson based on Snow White. The characters are based on Mr. Burns, Lenny Leonard, Julius Hibbert, Homer Simpson, Barney Gumble, Moe Szyslak and Kearney Zzyzwicz. They all work in a diamond mine.
When a wicked queen learns from her magic HD television that Snow White (Lisa) is fairer than she, the queen dispatches her huntsman (Groundskeeper Willie) to murder the young maiden. Willie the huntsman cannot commit the deed, nor kill anything else (including construction paper), though, and Snow White runs away to the forest, seeking shelter in the dwarves's cottage. She keeps house for them while they work in the mines, but the wicked queen, disguised as an old woman, forces Snow White to eat a poisoned apple. She manages to escape from the dwarves, only to be lynched by a mob of woodland creatures.