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Another Couch Gag Classic
The Shrimpsons couch gag
Lincoln Memorial and Coin Family

The The Shrimpsons couch gag is the fourth couch gag of Season 29.


Based on "The Shrimpsons" opening sequence, the Simpson family (as fish) swim into their underwater living room, which is decorated with coral, underwater plants, and other decorations that are from the coral reef, and sit on the couch. Suddenly, a fishing hook grabs the couch with the family in tow, and is raised to the surface, where Ned Flanders grabs the couch and says, "Okily dokily!" as he places them inside a lobster cage. Once in it, Homer says, "Aw, our own home." However, a few lobsters are seen crawling towards the family.

Character Appearances[]



⇐ Season 28 Season 29 couch gags Season 30 ⇒
Furniture Family couch gagDecades couch gagAnother Couch Gag Classic couch gagThe Shrimpsons couch gagLincoln Memorial and Coin Family couch gagPopcorn Garland Family couch gagBaby Couch couch gagHomer's Face couch gag636th Episode Celebration couch gagConnect the Dots couch gagFerris Wheel couch gagPrinter couch gagWooden Couch couch gag