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The Simpsons Summer Shindig comics are comic book series that take place in the Summer. The first one was published on June of 2007 by Bongo Comics. New issues are released every year in the Summer, mostly around May, but some were released in June.


Issue Title Stories Release date
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 1 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 1 Midday on the Midway
Bart vs. Bart
Homer's Guide to the Beach!
Bart Simpson's Report on Francis Scott Key
Homer Beats the Heat
Bart Simpson's Guide to the Last Day of Summer Vacation
June 2007
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 2 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 2 The Simpsons au Naturel!
Down in the Dumps
Chili Chili Bang Bang
May 2008
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 3 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 3 D'oh, Nuts!
A Roaming Holiday
The Riddle of Radioactive Rabbit
Moron Kombat!
June 3rd, 2009
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 4 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 4 The Last Son of Krapton
Dirty Laundry
I.C.S.I. (Ice Cream Scene Investigators!)
Bartman Beyond
May 26th, 2010
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 5 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 5 Tales from the Springfield Bear Patrol
Fly Away Homer
Fur 'N' Hate 451
May 25th, 2011
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 6 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 6 Tattoo You
Anchor Blues
The Radioactive Manqués
Locked in a Brewery
May 30th, 2012
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 7 The Simpsons Summer Shindig 7 Railroaded!
The Battle of the Batboys
Sun Burns
Judge Dredneck
May 29th, 2013
