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The Simpsons Summer Shindig 1
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 2

The Simpsons Summer Shindig 1 is the first issue of The Simpsons Summer Shindig comic book series. It was released on June 2007.


Midday on the Midway[]

Part 1[]

Homer and Marge drop Bart and Lisa off at a charity funfair. Lisa suggests various ideas for what to do at the fair, but Bart finds those ideas boring and thinks of an alternate activity: outwit a robot that Frink invented for guessing people's weights.

He asks a dubious Frink how the robot works, and Frink responds that the user puts money in its hand and it scans them and prints out the weight. The user then must weigh themselves on a scale, and if the weights match, Frink keeps the money, and if they don't, he doubles it.

Bart eagerly gives it a go, despite having to spend all his money, and the robot correctly guesses Bart's weight (65 lbs). Despite this, he is not bothered, and tells Captain McAllister and Chief Wiggum that he has been "ripped off" by the "mad scientist" and is thus starving. The men are fooled, and offer Bart free candy, then go to tell Frink off.

Frink says that the machine is flawless, so Wiggum and McAllister weigh Bart again. Since Bart ate six ounces of taffy and it's still in his stomach, the weight is off, so they arrest Frink and double Bart's money. Lisa points out that Bart ate the taffy, but Wiggum and McAllister don't believe her, since the taffy is fat-free. Frink kicks the robot in frustration, which offends it, and it attacks the fair with laser vision.

Part 2[]

Bart spends most of his money on the various games and booths, and has one dollar left. He goes to spend it at a freak show, but most of the host's claims are lies: what's meant to be a fire-breathing bug man is just Pedro "Bumblebee Man" Chespirito eating spicy tacos, the alleged giant baby is just Barney Gumble in baby clothes, the apparent living potato is just Ralph Wiggum in a potato costume (and he isn't hypnotised; he's just watching TV), the bearded "lady" is just Jasper Beardsley in drag, and the "grizzly bear" is just a teddy bear hamster named Grizzly. He demands a refund, but the host says no.

As Bart complains about not seeing any freaks, Lisa notices some unusual-looking people: Sherri and Terri and Patty Bouvier and Selma Bouvier are identical twins, Krusty the Clown and Melvin Van Horne are "chicken-biting geeks" like Bart wanted to see (as they're eating chicken), Hans Moleman with lumps on his head fits Bart's wish for a "living blockhead", Charles Montgomery Burns is a "human skeleton" as he's so skinny, and Comic Book Guy is fat.

Part 3[]

Bart is bored and asks Lisa for some of her money, but she spent it all on pony rides. She suggests he ask Homer for money, so Bart tries buttering up him and Marge by being polite, but they see through the ruse. They laugh at him, prompting a whole crowd to join in (which Marge shoos away) and refuse to give him more money, believing he has to "learn from [his] mistakes".

Bart wants to get revenge on his parents for laughing, and causing others to laugh, at him, so when he sees a hog-calling contest, he joins in and calls Homer's name. This angers Homer, but Marge points out that last time he chased Bart at a fair, Homer's clothes got covered in pie stains. Thus, Homer strips down to his underwear to chase Bart.

This creates a huge spectacle, with Lisa deciding to intercept (still on horseback) to prevent further destruction. Homer gets covered in mud from the pig pen, then cotton candy from a vendor, and then when he tries to jump on Bart in a barn, gets a pumpkin on his head. Then, he ends up scaring Mayor Quimby, who is flirting with a woman on a carnival ride. When the chase ends up going towards the contest barn, Lisa lassos Homer, but gets pulled off her pony.

Everyone crashes in the contest barn, resulting in Frink's robot exploding. Kirk Van Houten, who is judging, mistakes this for a deliberate show and awards Frink, then Comic Book Guy awards Homer, mistaking his mess for a pig costume. Quimby awards him too for helping him become closer with his mistress, while Rich Texan awards Lisa for her horse-riding and lasso skills. Finally, Agnes Skinner awards Marge for being a good mother, making Bart angry that he didn't get an award despite causing the chaos. This confession causes everyone else to put him in a dunk tank as revenge.

Bart vs. Bart[]

Bart dreams that he lights TNT, which blows up his own dream bubble. He awakens, searches with a flashlight, and then falls back asleep. He then dreams about playing with the flashlight, which wakes him up again, so he pops his dream bubble and falls back asleep.

Homer's Guide to the Beach![]

Homer complains about family beach trips: he has to find the ideal spot before they do, then he feels that nature is "lazy" for not doing its part in cleaning up the litter. He then makes a "trash castle" instead of a sandcastle since he feels it is easier, much to the disgust of Bart and Lisa.

Next, Homer sprays bacon grease on himself and tans, believing that anyone who says tanning is dangerous is a "pale dork". Then, he goes for a swim and tires of swimming, so he pretends to drown so a lifeguard will drag him out.

Finally, he says that the beach is a great place to rekindle your romance and let your kids run wild, and if you get banned, there are plenty of other beaches to choose from. The Simpsons are seen getting banned because Maggie spilled Barney's beer, Bart kicked sand onto Lenny and Carl, and Lisa played on the Lovejoys' picnic blanket.

Bart Simpson's Report on Francis Scott Key[]

Fort McHenry

Bart was assigned to write a report on Francis Scott Key, but he never got around to writing it, so he does a speech instead and just makes facts up: he claims that Francis was a songwriter touring near Baltimore on Independence Day, then he imagines himself as Francis.

In Bart's imagination, Francis is about to put on a show, but "Colonel Skinner" interrupts him and tells him that the War of 1812 is happening. This version of the War of 1812 is essentially a huge argument over whether British or American bands are better. Francis/Bart decides to write a new song to win fans back, and when Skinner mentions heating up his mother's chicken pot pies, this inspires Francis/Bart to write "The Star-Spangled Banner".

Edna Krabappel is not impressed with Bart's "report", so she puts him in summer school.

Homer Beats the Heat[]

Lisa arrives home from school sweaty, which she blames on global warming. Homer decides to give her some advice on staying cool. First, he suggests she put ice in her pockets, but her dress doesn't have any, so he suggests the two of them move into the power plant. Lisa points out that this wouldn't work, since there is nowhere to sleep, and it doesn't account for Marge, Bart, and Maggie. Homer then wakes Lisa up at midnight that night and takes her to the pool, which turns out to belong to Kent Brockman, who tries to shoot them.

The next day, Lisa thanks Homer for trying, but tells him that she doesn't want any more ideas. She then reveals that previously he tried putting the sprinklers on at dinner, using a giant fan, and having the residents of the old folks home touch Lisa with their cold hands. Homer protests that he does have good ideas, but Lisa retorts that he's stealing the Flanderses' air conditioner instead of buying one. He suggests she buy one, but she points out that she is only eight.

Then, he sprays fake snow everywhere, but it is poisonous, so the fumes make them both sick. There is one upside though, in that the hospital they both end up staying at is air-conditioned.

Bart Simpson's Guide to the Last Day of Summer Vacation[]

Bart shares tips for the last day of summer vacation: sleep late, wear old, comfortable, and stinky clothes, eat cookies for lunch, get supplies ready for school (which he does by stealing eggs to throw at people), learn comic book trivia so there will be no "room in your brain" to study, play video games, "test your new material" (which he does by writing with milk sprayed from his nose), give your dog a workout, go "hamper surfing", and get rid of tan lines (which he does by sunbathing naked).

Then, when Marge complains about having "five days to relax" while Bart and Lisa are at school, he realises that he can just do all the stuff he did on weekends instead.


  • It is revealed that Bart weighs 65 lbs.
  • Comic Book Guy mentions The Death of Superman, and he appears dressed up as Captain Picard from Star Trek: the Next Generation.
  • Bart and Maggie Simpson were the only Simpsons who didn't win awards, though Maggie did play a part in the acquisition of Marge's award (since Agnes was impressed at how Marge kept Maggie happy).
  • The bands The Whom and The Rollicking Rocks are parodies of the real bands The Who and The Rolling Stones.
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The Simpsons Summer Shindig
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Simpsons Winter Wingding
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