The Simpsons Summer Shindig 6 |
The Simpsons Summer Shindig 6 is the sixth issue of The Simpsons Summer Shindig comic book series. It was released on May 30th, 2012.
Tattoo You[]
Homer Simpson and Bart Simpson are admiring the tattoos in a tattoo shop and seeing them as "manly". When they meet a man with a tattoo that forms a skull when he bends his arm, Homer wants a tattoo, but Bart isn't so sure as he himself got one and Marge had to spend the Christmas money to get it removed, and any tattoos would look ugly once Homer got old and wrinkly.
Homer still wants a tattoo, though, so Bart tells him that as an adult and "the man of the house", Marge has no right to veto it. Homer tries to butter Marge up by offering her flowers (stolen from Ned Flanders) and tells her that he wants her name tattooed over his heart. Marge lets him have the tattoo, but scares him by booking a doctor's appointment for him to see if he can handle "the stress", and pointing out that being tattooed is painful and can spread disease.
This makes him too scared to get the tattoo, but he doesn't want to just quit, as that would make him look "chicken", so he asks Lisa Simpson for advice. She tells him to just get the doctor's appointment anyway, and she will think of a plan in the meantime.
Dr. Hibbert gives Homer the check-up, and when drawing his blood, leaves needle marks in the shape of a heart with Marge's name on it. He then says that the tattoo Homer wants is 54 times as painful as the needle stabbings, so to determine if he can handle it, his heart must be X-rayed.
As he's being X-rayed, Lisa enters, claiming to want to be a doctor, and Dr. Hibbert lets her observe the X-ray technician. While Lisa is with the technician, she draws on the X-ray result, making it look like Marge's name is on his actual heart and he thus doesn't need the tattoo. Thus, he and Marge walk off romantically, and Bart asks Lisa why she went through all the trouble. She replies that she wouldn't want Homer baring his chest a lot to show the tattoo off if he got it.
Anchor Blues[]
Krusty the Clown, Melvin Van Horne, and others are putting on a Halloween show and Kent Brockman, in a Superman costume, is narrating. Afterwards, a woman offers to brief Brockman on Monday's news stories, but he refuses, since his work shift is over. He goes into the hallway, where he finds a guard chasing Snake Jailbird, who is carrying a bag of stolen goods. When Snake escapes, the guard asks Brockman why he didn't stop Snake, but Brockman retorts that stopping Snake is the guard's job. Then, a man reveals that Snake has stolen Brockman's clothes and money.
As Brockman's about to leave in his car, Snake holds him at gunpoint and demands Brockman hand him his wallet and car keys. Snake then steals those, along with the car, and drives off in it. Later, Brockman reports Snake to the police, but Wiggum warns Brockman that there has been a spike in unsolved crimes lately. Wiggum then gets several things wrong about Brockman (claiming it was a bicycle that was stolen and that Brockman is the sea captain) making him angry, which in turn makes the police refuse to investigate.
Since it is too far to walk home, and he has no car or money, Brockman is stranded and sits on the sidewalk all night. The next morning, Lisa finds him and he explains his situation to her. Since she is subbing for Milhouse Van Houten's paper route while he's with his grandmother, Brockman says that he is glad to speak to a fellow "newsie". He fears that he has lost his talent as a result of taking his job for granted, but Lisa disagrees, knowing how talented he was as a cub scout and believing that much talent can't go away.
Brockman then sees Snake's library card lying around and realises that it must belong to his assailant, thus deciding to track him down. Brockman busts into the library and discovers gold ingots hidden in a copy of Goldfinger, plus Fat Tony and his gang in the library (though they claim they are just reading). Then, the "Newsgirl Legion" (Lisa, Sherri Mackleberry, Terri Mackleberry, and Milhouse in drag) show up to help Brockman, and Snake shows up as well.
Brockman beats him up and gets hailed as a hero and reveals on the news that the crime spree was Snake stealing items and hiding them in library books and Tony and the gang smuggling them out of town. He also apologises for being so arrogant prior and thanks a woman named Mandy for her help, angering Lisa as she feels she deserves to be thanked as well.
The Radioactive Manqués[]
In Zenith City, someone arrives to stop an armed robbery. The robber assumes it's Radioactive Man, but it's actually two teenagers, a boy and a girl, both in superhero outfits. Meanwhile, a couple named Gloria Grand and Claude Kane are taking a walk, when they hear the commotion. Claude runs off, allegedly to call for help, but he turns out to be Radioactive Man.
He changes into his super suit and goes to save the day, but the teens, now with three more teens, have already done it. Since Gloria is a reporter, she is reporting the whole thing, and it's revealed that the teens are a Radioactive Man fan club named Eddie, Aaron, Greg, and Deb. Radioactive Man tells them that they are too young to be superheroes, but that doesn't sway them.
Later, the bank is robbed by a man called the Shiverer who has a freeze gun. Radioactive Man tries to stop him, but is too distracted by the unpleasant coldness of the Shiverer's freeze gun. The teens hear about this, and they beat up the Shiverer themselves, this time succeeding, by using a magnifying glass to burn the Shiverer's foot.
Thus, they become famous heroes on TV and call themselves the "Radioactive Manques", much to the chagrin of Claude/Radioactive Man, however, Rod/Fallout Boy doesn't mind. Radioactive Man tries to again dissuade the Radioactive Manques by telling them the job is dangerous, but they brush him off. Then, some other teens also find them annoying, which inspires them to dress up as Dr. Crab and claim to be working for him, then beat them up.
Radioactive Man is sulking about being less popular than his own fans, who Fallout Boy is meeting. However, when Fallout Boy comes back, he has decided he no longer likes them as they are being "downers" after having been beat up. Radioactive Man decides to help the Radioactive Manques save face by using his powers for them in secret.
The Dr. Crab cosplayers find a note that's apparently an invitation to a party for the Radioactive Manques at Claude Kane's mansion and decide to crash it. At the party, Gloria comments on the Radioactive Manques' recent loss of enthusiasm, and then they arrive, still brooding. The Dr. Crab cosplayers then arrive as well, and both teen groups get into a fight. Radioactive Man plans to help, but the Radioactive Manques win the fight on their own. He decides to let them be superheroes, but they have now grown weary of it and want to be rockers instead.
Locked in a Brewery[]
Homer, Barney, and others are touring the Duff Brewery. Then, Homer and Barney decide to stray away and explore the brewery on their own. They end up in a room full of beer, pass out from the fumes, and wake up hours later locked in the now-closed brewery. They are happy about this and go on a bender drinking the beer.
Then, Legs and Louie break in, so Homer and Barney hide. The two criminals talk to each other and reveal that they're about to steal the formula for "Duff New". Barney decides to summon Duffman by shorting out a light, and it works, but only because Duffman wanted to check to make sure everything was safe, since faulty wiring in a brewery is dangerous.
Homer and Barney explain the situation to Duffman, then the three enter the brewery and Barney tries to drop a keg on the mobsters from above, but misses. Duffman tries to burn the mobsters with a flamethrower, but starts a fire, which Homer and Barney put out with beer. Legs and Louie look at the recipe for "Duff New", but it's exactly the same as the old one. Then, the police show up (since someone tripped the "silent alarm") and arrest the criminals.
Duffman tells the owner of the brewery about Homer and Barney's exploits, and the owner and Duffman reward Homer and Barney with another brewery tour.
- It is unknown whether Milhouse is visiting Grandma Van Houten or Nana Sophie Mussolini.