Willie accesses the Up-Kilt website
Homer's savings about to be drained
Snake steals the family's savings
Homer burglarizes Flanders' house
Homer making a sandwich in Flanders' house
"Ew we're gonna do our grocery shopping at a 99 cents store?"
Cool Ranch Soda, SkittleBrau and Onions
Marge dresses and That 70's Show mugs
"Thirty three cents? I paid almost double that."
A blue version of Marge's dress
"Uhhh, according to the Mexican Council of Food, this expired two years ago."
Homer gets Red Tide poisoning from expired Mexican plankton
"No, no, we're going to Paris, I can feel it."
"No, mon, let's go home to Jamaica. I and I been in Babylon too long."
The Flanders family dressed in Japanese attire
"Hey, watch the gong, jerks!"
"Come on, Homer, Japan will be fun. You liked Rashomon."
"What? The guy who washes the elephants is Japanese. His name is Takashi."
"Sir it is not safe to use electronic devices yet."
"Welcome to Japan folks. The local time is tomorrow."
"Homer you're supposed to slide those doors open"
"I don't have time for that"
"Welcome, I am honored to accept your waste"
"*gasp* They're years ahead of us!"
"Mom! Lis! Check it out! Dad's on TV!"
"Bart what are you doing?"
"We now return to Battling Seizure Robots"
The family getting seizures
Bart: This is your captain speaking. I'm turning off my Game Boy, and we will be landing in Tokyo in twenty seconds.
[The plane goes down fast.]
This part of this deleted scene is used in the season finale promo during the split credit screen.
Homer: Can I have an envelope for this, please?
Japanese Clerk: That'll be ¥12,000.
D'oh! Marge: Homer, this country is very expensive. We have to save our money.
Homer: Relax. Even a chimp couldn't blow through this much dough.
Homer: Which gives me an idea for another
Jim Belushi movie!
Belushi: Hurry, hurry! I need this picture, man!
Marge: Don't worry, honey, they can't get lost. I got your father on the spool.
Homer: [ties it on the bullet train] Either she lets go...
Homer: ...or she's headed for