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The Toast couch gag is the fourth couch gag of Season 30.


The Simpson family is inserted as toasts into the couch, transformed into a toaster. Homer gets stuck and burns out before yelling "D'oh!".


This is the 400th couch gag made.

⇐ Season 29 Season 30 couch gags Season 31 ⇒
Alien Family couch gagBob's Burgers couch gagStationary Bike couch gagToast couch gagThe Mind of Homer gagStar Wars Episode V couch gagFootball Stadium couch gagThanos couch gagBox of Chocolates couch gagCup Filler couch gagPyramid couch gagBlack & White couch gagMy Three Kids couch gagPaper Stage couch gag
⇐ Season 23 Re-used couch gags Season 32 ⇒
Sitcom Parodies couch gag