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Daylight Savings
Tracking App couch gag
The Extremesons

The Tracking App couch gag is the 16th couch gag of Season 31.


An unknown person is tracking The Simpsons in an Uber like app and after the family sit on the couch, this unknown person rates the trip one star and doesn't give a tip to the driver.

⇐ Season 30 Season 31 couch gags Season 32 ⇒
Origami couch gag1985 Live Aid Queen Concert couch gagDartboard couch gagPirate Attraction couch gagThe Flanderseseseses couch gagChristmas Tree Ornament couch gagBronze Coin couch gagAnthropomorphic Cats couch gagDaylight Savings couch gagTracking App couch gagThe Extremesons couch gagFamily's Clothes couch gagSuccession Style Opening couch gag