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Trash of the Titans |
- Technician: Okay, camera two.
- (Homer walks to her)
- Technician: Alright… Excuse me, this is a restricted area.
- Homer: Take a hike, Kojak
- (He kicks her)
- Homer is enraged at being made to do a simple chore such as take out trash
- Homer: {mumbling to himself}: Lousy, rotten, stinking, hate world, revenge, soon, take out on everyone!
- Wastebasket leaks
- Homer: {talking to himself} AH! Garbage water! Oh...
- Squeezes garbage water out of slippers
- Homer: {talking (presumably) to God} You're pushing me, baby!
- Garbage truck drives past Simpsons residence without stopping
- Homer: Hey wait! Stop! I have garbage!
- Homer: {shouting} You guys are the lousiest garbage men ever! Yeah, I'm talkin' to you, you trash-eating stinkbags!
- Garbage truck brakes
- Homer: {to himself} Uh-oh...
- Garbage truck reverses up to Homer
- Garbageman #1: What did you call us?
- Homer: I don't know... A lot of people yellin' stuff...
- Garbageman #2: Yeah, you called us trash-eating stinkbags!
- Garbageman #1: Didn't you learn anything from Love Day?
- Homer: That was yesterday, moron!
- Kitchen. Homer enters with filthy pajamas and wearing an orange rind like a hat
- Homer: Good news, everybody! I got in a fight with the garbage men and they are cutting off our service.
- Marge: Oh lord, now what are we going to do? Just let the trash pile up?
- Homer: Hey, I'd rather live in a dump than in a world full of snooty garbage men!
- Lisa: Dad, is this one of those situations that could be solved with a simple apology?
- Homer: I never apologize, Lisa. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.
- Marge: Homer, that crazy lady who lives in our trash pile attacked me again.
- Homer: That's not the way she tells it.
- Marge: And the school nurse says Bart has the plague!
- Homer: Eh, it's like the measles, Good to get it out of the way.
- Flanders: (to Homer) Maude's folks are here, and they're a tad touchy about odors.
- Homer: Then you might wanna close your windows before the sun hits Diaper Hill!
- Rod: (while standing on a hill of dirty diapers) Look, Daddy! I'm the king of the mountain!
- Flanders: Rod, get off of there!
- Bono: (when Homer interrupts U2's concert) Hold on, people! The man's talking about waste management. That affects the whole **** planet!
- The Edge: Oh, here we go.
- Bart: Hey everybody, vote for my dad Homer Simpson! (Whispering) If you don't, he'll beat us.
- Homer: Why you little! Uh...no-ones gonna beat you, son.
- Homer: (Whispering) You're gonna get such a beating.
- Bono: Wow, look at him go. You're the real lord of the dance, Homer.
- (The security guards pull Homer off the stage)
- Homer: Ah! Aaah! Bono, Help me!
- Bono: Don't worry, folks. He'll get the help he needs.
- (On the big screens, it shows the guards beating up Homer)
- Teddy Bear: I'm Sir Love-A-Lot, the bear who loves to love!
- Homer: They didn't have Lord Huggington!?
- Marge: It's the same basic bear, Homie.
- Homer: I guess. (Turns away)
- The Edge: (to Larry) What do you say we slip out to Moe's for a pint?
- Adam: Can I come?
- The Edge: No.
- Adam: Wankers.
- (During the end credits, U2 is on a plane)
- Adam: Look guys, I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection.
- The Edge: Oh, here we go.
- Bono: How many spoons have you got now, Adam?
- Adam: Nine. If I didn't have my spoons, I'd go insane.
- Bono: Can I see it? (throws the spoon)
- Adam: My spoon!
- (The spoon hits Mr. Burns in the head)
- Mr. Burns: Oww! Wankers.