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Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
Treehouse of Horror XIII
How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
Treehouse of Horror XII
Treehouse of Horror XIII
Treehouse of Horror XIV



  • The war room in this episode is very similar to the one seen in the Stanley Kubrick film Dr. Strangelove and one of the people in the room looks like George C. Scott, who played General Buck Turgidson in the film.
  • The music playing in the scene where Homer has been transformed into a walrus is reminiscent of the theme music from Fantasy Island.
  • Dr. Hibbert's lab is called the "House of Pain", the same as Moreau's lab in the 1977 film adaption of The Island of Dr. Moreau.
  • Bart, as a spider, spells out the phrase "Eat my shorts!" in his web from the 1973 and 2006 film adaptations of Charlotte's Web.
  • The first segment, "Send in the Clones," is a reference to the song "Send in the Clowns" from "A Little Night Music".
  • Peter Griffin from Family Guy is seen standing in a field full of Homer Simpson's clones.
  • In “The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms” the government has reused all the confiscated guns and made them into a playground for little children. Later in October 2021, in Lima, Peru a new playground made entirely out of guns was made for many children. This is yet again another time where the Simpsons predict the future.
  • A clone clones itself, resulting in significantly lowered intelligence from Multiplicity.
  • Homer travels back in time to save the future just like the Terminator in this movie. Then another future Homer comes from the future to save the Earth from destruction again just like the man from the film The Terminator.
  • In "Send in the Clones," a swarm of helicopters delivers doughnuts to the Homer clones to "Ride of the Valkyries" from Die Walküre.
  • When Homer is riding on Ned Flanders' cow body, he is singing his rendition of the 1930s song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".
  • This is the title local news stations give to severe-storm coverage; to warn about the clones this becomes, "Swarm Watch" a parody of "Storm Watch".



The arch window on the right lacks a top section

  • In the Send in the Clones segment, when Marge comes back from shopping with a clone of Homer, as this occurs, the top part of one of the arch windows is missing.
  • When Homer is pulled into the back room by Prof. Frink, the piano music continues even though Homer isn't at the piano playing anymore.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm's name is mispronounced. As he is German, it should be pronounced like "Vilhelm."
  • In the Spanish version of the end of the episode is listed as "Treehouse of Horror XVIII" instead of "Treehouse of Horror XIII".
  • The normal sound is reused.

Season 13 Season 14 References/Trivia Season 15
Treehouse of Horror XIIIHow I Spent My Strummer VacationBart vs. Lisa vs. the Third GradeLarge MargeHelter ShelterThe Great Louse DetectiveSpecial EdnaThe Dad Who Knew Too LittleThe Strong Arms of the MaPray AnythingBarting OverI'm Spelling as Fast as I CanA Star is Born-AgainMr. Spritz Goes to WashingtonC.E. D'oh'Scuse Me While I Miss the SkyThree Gays of the CondoDude, Where's My Ranch?Old Yeller-BellyBrake My Wife, PleaseThe Bart of WarMoe Baby Blues