Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts
Treehouse of Horror XXII
Replaceable You ā–ŗ
Ned Flanders: Spend less time on your back and more time on your knees.

Bart: Traitor! How dare you betray me on me on the planet that got me laid?

Homer: For further communication I will require more beans.

Homer: Halloween - the one time of the year where the squalor of our home works to our advantage.

Homer: I'm the floor. I can't move. So far a normal Sunday morning...

Marge: I take your sugary sweets and give you healthy items...
Bart: This is exactly why kids need a union.

Lisa: Now prepare to take an incredible journey across the room.

Chief Wiggum: They say no two ass webs are the same.

ā—„ Season 22 Season 23 Quotes Season 24 ā–ŗ
The Falcon and the D'ohman ā€¢ Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts ā€¢ Treehouse of Horror XXII ā€¢ Replaceable You ā€¢ The Food Wife ā€¢ The Book Job ā€¢ The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants ā€¢ The Ten-Per-Cent Solution ā€¢ Holidays of Future Passed ā€¢ Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson ā€¢ The D'oh-cial Network ā€¢ Moe Goes from Rags to Riches ā€¢ The Daughter Also Rises ā€¢ At Long Last Leave ā€¢ Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart ā€¢ How I Wet Your Mother ā€¢ Them, Robot ā€¢ Beware My Cheating Bart ā€¢ A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again ā€¢ The Spy Who Learned Me ā€¢ Ned 'N Edna's Blend ā€¢ Lisa Goes Gaga