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Treehouse of Horror XXIX |
Treehouse of Horror XXIX |
Sea Captain: Fools! This whole contest was a ruse!
(Homer then yelps after being grabbed by two Fogburyport citizens)
Sea Captain: You are here to be sacrifice to an evil god from the ocean depths.
Homer: SpongeBob?
Sea Captain: No! To the eternal lord of horror, Cthulhu!
Sea Captain: An eating contest against the monstrous Cthulhu? To him, the Great Barrier Reef is just an average barrier reef.
Lisa: Well, my dad didn't eat breakfast.
Cthulhu: Uh-oh.
Carl: Uh, Lenny, my phone said that there's spores from outer space landing all around us.
Lenny: Well, my phone said there's divorced moms in the area who want me.
Lisa: Chief, chief! Space pods are eating everyone!
Chief Wiggum: You're telling me!
(Chief Wiggum revealed to be stuck in a giant flower Then Lisa and Bart Gasps)
Lou: Ah, don't feel bad for him, kids. He was a lousy chief.
Chief Wiggum: You know my feelings hadn't dissolved yet, Lou.
Lou: Nah, kids, that's just air escaping.
(Lou, Lisa, and Bart back away from gunshot by Pod Wiggum)
Pod Wiggum: You cannot stop us. It is really just a matter of-
Lisa: How come aliens never use contractions?
Pod Wiggum: We think it is scary. It is why we call Jerry's Deli The Deli of Jerry.
(Lou shoots Pod Wiggum)
Pod Wiggum: Conover down.
Chalmers: I'm not a plant!
Groundskeeper Willie: Prove it. Name the roster of the Clasco soccer club.
Chalmers: I...uh...I don't know. Is there a-a-a Rooney?
Groundskeeper Willie: There's always a Rooney!
Bart: Who did this to us?
Lisa: (after her music number) Applaud or die!
(Bart, Nelson and Milhouse applaud)