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My Way or the Highway to Heaven
Treehouse of Horror XXIX
Krusty the Clown (episode)
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Treehouse of Horror XXIX
Treehouse of Horror XXX

Sea Captain: Fools! This whole contest was a ruse!

(Homer then yelps after being grabbed by two Fogburyport citizens)

Sea Captain: You are here to be sacrifice to an evil god from the ocean depths.

Homer: SpongeBob?

Sea Captain: No! To the eternal lord of horror, Cthulhu!

Sea Captain: An eating contest against the monstrous Cthulhu? To him, the Great Barrier Reef is just an average barrier reef.

Lisa: Well, my dad didn't eat breakfast.

Cthulhu: Uh-oh.

Carl: Uh, Lenny, my phone said that there's spores from outer space landing all around us.

Lenny: Well, my phone said there's divorced moms in the area who want me.

Lisa: Chief, chief! Space pods are eating everyone!

Chief Wiggum: You're telling me!

(Chief Wiggum revealed to be stuck in a giant flower Then Lisa and Bart Gasps)

Lou: Ah, don't feel bad for him, kids. He was a lousy chief.

Chief Wiggum: You know my feelings hadn't dissolved yet, Lou.

Lou: Nah, kids, that's just air escaping.

(Lou, Lisa, and Bart back away from gunshot by Pod Wiggum)

Pod Wiggum: You cannot stop us. It is really just a matter of-

Lisa: How come aliens never use contractions?

Pod Wiggum: We think it is scary. It is why we call Jerry's Deli The Deli of Jerry.

(Lou shoots Pod Wiggum)

Pod Wiggum: Conover down.

Chalmers: I'm not a plant!

Groundskeeper Willie: Prove it. Name the roster of the Clasco soccer club.

Chalmers: I...uh...I don't know. Is there a-a-a Rooney?

Groundskeeper Willie: There's always a Rooney!

Bart: Who did this to us?


Lisa: (after her music number) Applaud or die!

(Bart, Nelson and Milhouse applaud)

Season 32 Season 33 Quotes Season 34
The Star of the BackstageBart's In Jail!Treehouse of Horror XXXIIThe Wayz We WereLisa's BellyA Serious Flanders: Part OneA Serious Flanders: Part TwoPortait of a Lackey on FireMothers and Other StrangersA Made MaggieThe Longest MargePixelated and AfraidBoyz N the HighlandsYou Won't Believe What This Episode is About - Act Three Will Shock You!Bart the Cool KidPretty Whittle LiarThe Sound of Bleeding GumsMy Octopus and a TeacherGirls Just Shauna Have FunMarge the MeanieMeat Is MurderPoorhouse Rock