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Simpsons Wiki
Simpsons Wiki
Bart's In Jail!
Treehouse of Horror XXXII
The Wayz We Were
Treehouse of Horror XXXI
Treehouse of Horror XXXII
Treehouse of Horror XXXIII

Opening Credits[]

Treehouse of Horror XXXII

Created by
Bat Groening

Developed by
James L. "I Refuse to Scare You Any Further Than You Are" Brooks
Bat Groening
Sam Simon

Executive Producer
Matt We Do in the Selmans

Executive Producer

Co-Executive Producer
J. Short BTC

Co-Executive Producer
Michael Price

Co-Executive Producer
Golem H. Golem

Co-Executive Producer
The Book of LaDeadnik

Co-Executive Producer
Brian Kill-y

Co-Executive Producer
Dan Veb-BOO!

Co-Executive Producer
Psy-Koh IV: The Beginning

Co-Executive Producer
Senate Minority Leader Christine F. Nangle

Supervising Producer
Elisablood Kiernan Averwitch

Consulting Producer
Who Was That Masked Dan?

Consulting Producer
Darby O'Greaney

Consulting Producer
The Cask of Timlongtillado

Consulting Producer
Carolynsidious Omine

Tom Gammill
Axed Pross

Mike "He Gone!" Scully

David MirkinVision


Consulting Producer
Drooly Silverman

Supervising Director
Mike BRAiiiiiiNS Anderson

Produced by
Remotely Raving Raynis

Produced by
La Formidable Sirkot

Produced by
Stokley Sakai

Written by
Hula-Hula da Xufrinkhna

Directed by
The Mysterious Matthew Faughnan

Closing Credits[]

Executive Producer
That's Al, Jean

Executive Producers
James L. "I Refuse to Scare You Any Further Than You Are" Brooks
Bat Groening
Sam Simon

Dan's Macabre

Covid Kavner

Nothing Normal About Nefarious, Nocturnal, Nightmarish, Nypmho-Necromancy Nancy

Chef Boy-Yeardleeee

Hanged Azaria

Harry (I'm Vaxxing You) Shearer

Special Guest Voice
Susan Eek!-gan

Special Guest Voice
Maurice "The Funk of 40,000 Voices" LaMarche

Special Guest Voice
Tree Rollins

Also Starring
Hay Den of Horrors

Also Starring
Tresshouse MacHorror

Alex - Don't Look Now But He's Right Behind You - Désert

Chris the Walking Deadgerly

Grave Belial-Coffin

K M Argghhhh

"The Maggie Variant" Roswell

Triggered K. Chung

Howlin' Henry

Glenda the Good Witch of South Central

Animation Producer
Tom Orrow Never Knows

Executive Story Editors
Jessikill Gone-Bad
Cesar Mazarig-G-G-Ghost!!!

Story Editor
Lon of the Dead Scissorhands

Associate Producers
Fel-Eat Ya Brainsky & Ya Skeleton
Brian J. Kaufman

Animation Co-Producers
Peter's Grave
Maniacal Mayhem

Animation Associate Producers
Nikki "100% That Witch" Isordia
Kip Lycanthorpe
R.I.P. Totman

Theme by
Clammy Head-On-a-Shelfman

Music by
James Von Dooley

Score by
Bleeding Fingers Music

Score Producers
Look No Hands Zimmer
Rusty Coffin Nail

Score Exec-Produced by
Steven Shocksky

"You'll Never Sleep Again"

Music by
Bleeding Fingers Music

Lyrics by
John Frink

Performed by
Susan Egan

"I'm Shipping Up to Boston"

Music by Al Barr, Ken Casey, Matthew Kelly, James Lynch and Marc Orrell

Performed by Dropkick Murphys

O Tanneunbaum


Casting by
The Dark Side of the Muller

Casting Associate
Psych-Nick Six

Original Casting by
Bonnie Darko

Caroline Och Louise
"Delta Don" Barrozo

Production Coordinator
Jesse the Killer

Dialogue Sound Editor
Norman "Bates" MacLeod

Contrapuntal Clevage by
Dismal Cheers

Sound Effects Editor
Travis Special Powers

Re-Recording Mixers
"Mark of the Wolf" Linden

Production Mixer
Dreary Dave Bent' a Fork!

Sound Recordist
Shredding Monster Sirois

ADR Engineer
Engineer of Fear Rautiainen

Score Supervisor
Chris "Stephen" King

Supervising Composer
Drakara Talve

Music Scoring Mixer
Johann Von Witt Amadeus Chopin

Crypt Supervisor
Boo-Eekz Jaffe

Production Accountant
Sort of Accounting

Post Production Audio Facility
Sony Pictures Studio

Post Production & Color Services Provided by
Picture Shop

Presented in
Dolby Surround

Assistant to Mr. Brooks
"Re-Lisa" the Hounds Walder

Assistant to Mr. Groening
Macabre Disco

Assistant to Mr. Jean
Joe Stabby

Assistant to Mr. Selman
Ghouliet Boogeyman

Assistants to the Producers
Nick Dahalloween Name
Dead Kennedy
Alexorcist II: The Asymptomatic
Danielle Sliced Her
The Wen-Wolf of Springfield
Emma Fright

Animation Produced by
Fox Television Animation

Overseas Production by
Akom Production Co.

Overseas Animation Director
Nelson Shin

Assistant Director
Chris Clements

Lead Animation Timer
Scott Brutz

Additional Timers
Acacia Caputo
Robert Ingram
Adam Kuhlman
Esther H. Lee
Cyndi Tang

Second Unit Director
Lance Kramer

Retake Director
K.C. Johnson

Supervising Storyboard Director
Matthew Schofield

Storyboard Artists
Norman P. Auble
Gavin Freitas
Ben Lane
Stephen Reis
Ralph Sosa

Additional Storyboards
Michael Tran

Storyboard Revisions
John Achenbach
Grant Lee
Michael Marcantel

Animatic Layout Artists
Davy Lauterbach
Tom Madrid, Jr.
Steve Pilapil

Animatic Editor
Taylor Allen

Background Designers
Lynna Blankenship
Daniel Chiu
Sean Coons
Jabu Henderson
TJ Kim
Christian Lignan
Hugh MacDonald
Maria Mariotti-Parker
Jeffrey A. Mertz
Mark Mulgrew
Debbie Peterson
Charles Ragins
Chris Stephen Sentovich
Lance Wilder

Character Designers
Pete "Kid Flash" Gomez
Sam Grinberg
Dale Hendrickson
Eric S. Keyes
Kevin M. Newman
Ernesto Ochoa
Shannon O'Connor
Tommy Tejeda
Reza Zabardast
Matt Groening
Sam Simon

Prop Designers
Darrel Bowen
Seth Cooper
John Krause
Kevin N. Moore
Jefferson R. Weekley

Lead Character Layout Artists
Caroline Cruikshank
Matthew Herbert
Ely Lester
Michael Ludy
Nik Ranieri
Jeremy Robinson
Kamoon Song
Paul Wee

Character Layout Artists
Oscar Cervantes
Greg Checketts
Gabriel DeFrancesco
Manny DeGuzman
Lejon Douroux
Jeanne Erickson
Luis Escobar
Raul Garcia
Yelena Geodakyan
Steven Pierre Gordon
Daniela Hoyos
Alexander Jenson
Jeff Johnson
Tina Kügler
Davy Lauterbach
John MacFarlane
Tom Madrid, Jr.
Tanja Majerus
Drew McPhail
Silvia Pompei
Alex Que
Arlyne Ramirez
Rick Salonga
Shane K. Sowell
Toni Tysen
Kathy Zielinski

Lead Background Layout Artist
Jarod Daetwiler

Background Layout Artists
Ralph Delgado
Sam Ho
Mike Pettengill
Steve Pilapil
George Stokes
Bill Thyen
George Villaflor

Lead CG Artist
Brent M. Bowen

CG Artist
Kyle Jaynes

Lead FX Layout Artist
John Dillon

FX Layout Artists
Al Holter
John MacFarlane
Brice Mallier

Color Design Director
Dima Malanitchev

Color Designers
Eli Balser
Anne Legge
Amy Rychlick

Assistant Color Designers
Mike Battle
Lisa S. Cervantes

Animation Checkers
William Bemiller
Deirdre Creed

Lead Digital Compositor
Steve Mills

Digital Compositors
Mike Disa
Steven Fahey
Beth S. Morris
Rick Moser
Kristina Pace
Erika Isabel Vega

Scene Planner
Zia Adsit-Metts

Lip Sync
Robyn Anderson

Track Reader
Laurie Wetzler

Assistant Editors
Kurtis Kunsak
Benjamin Morse

Animation Production Managers
Ashley Brooke Cooper
Derek Higgs
Jen Ligler
Ross McAlpine
Shelley McCully
Jane Rennegarbe
Heliodoro Salvatierra

Assistant Production Manager
Margaret Glaser

Animation IT Department Manager
David Orona

Animation Production Accountant
Will Anderson

Animation Payroll Accountant
Gerald Hawthorne

Animation IT Support
Arin Khodadadi
Matthew Nelson Lawrence

Animation Production Supervisors
Matthew Fisher
Frank Magasich
Rio Sakurai
Shannon Scott

Animation Production Lead Coordinator
Brandon Michael Spear

Animation Production Coordinators
Emma Barker
Alexandru Becea
Robert Brunette
Enzo Calandra
Stevie Gallardo
Michael Hartman
Amber Ingram
Ashlyn Lardinois
Andy Manley
Connor McGlynn
Lilly Thorne
Brittney Anne Vasquez
Angela Wixtrom

Animation Production Assistants
Lily Ardalan
Sara Caudill
Kevin M. Dix
Éva Enriquez
Ariel Freeman
Chizorom Izeogu
Cady Moser
Harold Ochoa
Brooks Stonestreet
Jesse Torres Jr
Ali Woodruff

The persons in this film are fictitious.

Any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional.


©2021 20th Television

This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries.

Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

The Simpsons and the Simpsons characters, ™ Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.


Creative Consultant
Bat Groening

Executive Creative Consultant
James L. "I Refuse to Scare You Any Further Than You Are" Brooks




Season 32 Season 33 Credits Season 34
The Star of the BackstageBart's In Jail!Treehouse of Horror XXXIIThe Wayz We WereLisa's BellyA Serious Flanders: Part OneA Serious Flanders: Part TwoPortait of a Lackey on FireMothers and Other StrangersA Made MaggieThe Longest MargePixelated and AfraidBoyz N the HighlandsYou Won't Believe What This Episode is About - Act Three Will Shock You!Bart the Cool KidPretty Whittle LiarThe Sound of Bleeding GumsMy Octopus and a TeacherGirls Just Shauna Have FunMarge the MeanieMeat Is MurderPoorhouse Rock