Trixie Simpson Stemple
Parents: Rupert Simpson (Deceased) and
Winifred Running Goat (Deceased)
Siblings: Garwood Simpson (Deceased),
Galston Simpson (Deceased),
Prudence Simpson (Deceased) and
Ivy Simpson (Deceased)
Husband: Gaylord Stemple (Deceased)
Children: Paco Stemple (Deceased),
Caleb Stemple (Deceased),
Vic Stemple (Deceased),
Burton Stemple (Possibly, Deceased)
Grandparents: Sven Simpson (Deceased),
Claretta Ethridge (Deceased),
Joe Puffing Goat (Deceased) and
Mary Frowning Cloud (Deceased)
Aunt/Uncles: Jane Nervous Goat (Deceased),
Humphrey Little Goat (Deceased) and
Lambert Simpson (Deceased)
Parents-in-Law: Zephediah Stemple (Deceased) and
Hortensia Bodney (Deceased)
Siblings-in-Law: Clowta Stillman (Deceased),
Zachariah Stemple (Deceased),
Minnie Stemple (Deceased) and
Clarice Stemple (Deceased)
Daughter-in-Law: Riva Herrin (Deceased)
Grandchildren: Moselle Stemple (Deceased),
Louise Stemple (Deceased) and
Jacques Stemple (Deceased)
Great-Grandchildren: Olivia Twilly ,
Betsy Graycomb ,
Zita Graycomb and
Howie Graycomb Possible Lover: Zachariah Stemple (Deceased)
Family Members: Simpson Family ,
Goat Family ,
Ethridge Family In-Laws: Stemple Family
Beatrix “Trixie” Stemple , née Simpson was the daughter of Rupert Simpson and Winifred Running Goat . Her siblings were named Prudence , Galston , Ivy and Garwood . Her husband was named Gaylord Stemple and their children were named Paco , Caleb and Vic .
Trixie's marriage to Mr. Stemple joined the Burns and Simpson families together through Gaylord's sister Clarice . Trixie is the great-great-great-grandaunt of Homer Simpson .
The wife of her husband's identical "evil twin" Zachariah is unknown, but since their son Burton looks like a Simpson, so possibly Zachariah tricked Trixie into believing he was his brother (Zachariah is labeled "evil twin") and together had Burton.
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