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Tuesday Night Live is a weekly TV sketch comedy show and a very thinly veiled parody of Saturday Night Live.


Bart watches Krusty's monologue where he very unsubtly starts pugging his first movie starring himself, Marvin Hagler and Tova Borgnine. His monologue bombs and Krusty also trashes how bad the episode is going to be before breaking for commercials Bart sighs to himself, "I miss Joe Piscopo."

During the commercial break Bart sees one for Bigger Brothers and decide to call to make an appointment. The commercial breaks end and the show returns with a sketch of a sitcom called "The Big Ear Family" where Krusty enters a living room with a woman playing his wife and they both have fake big ears. This sketch also bombs and Krusty groans how it will keep going for another 12 minutes.


  • Tuesday Night Live more direct references to Saturday Night Live include
    • The main stage where guest host deliver monologues in front a seated audience member is identical to where Krusty delivers his.
    • Krusty's first line is "Hello New York" which is where Saturday Night Live is made.
    • Krusty's line, "When Lorne asked me to host this show I said, "Lorne, why me?" is a reference to Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels.
    • Krusty is only hosting as part of promoting his first movie and self-promoting some movie or other project is usually why celebrities agree to host Saturday Night Live (though not every SNL host is a movie or TV star. The show has had politicians, sports stars, former cast members, and, in the cases of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, reality show stars/those only famous because of scandal or being part of a wealthy family. Then, there was the time in 2010 when Betty White hosted because of a fan-run viewer request campaign on Facebook to have her host).
    • Guest host's monologues usually end with, "We got a great show for you tonight, (musical guest) is/are here [though this gets omitted or changed to "I'm here" if the host is also the musical guest]. So stick around, we'll be right back." which Krusty also does, except doesn't mention a musical guest and tells the audience that the last half-hour is "...a real garbage dump." Coincidentally, Charles Barkley (when he hosted for the second time during the show's 35th season in 2010) closed his monologue with a similar line to Krusty's: "We got a great show for you. Some of it's great; some of it, we're going to do anyway," which is nicer than saying that the last half-hour is a garbage dump.
    • The character design of the guitarist playing as the show breaks to commercials is based on G. E. Smith.
    • The commercial intermission title card is based on ones used during seasons 14 (1988-1989 season) and 15 (1989-1990 season) of SNL.
    • Joe Piscopo (the cast member Bart says he misses) was a cast member on SNL from 1980 (during the show's critically despised 6th season) to 1984 (during the ninth season, when the show was about to change again due to the departures of Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo, with NBC ready to cancel the show if SNL went downhill again). Bart's line about missing Joe Piscopo is a reference to how most SNL viewers and critics will complain about the show's quality due to the departure of a popular cast member.
    • The joke about the last half of TNL being "a real garbage dump" and "The Big Ear Family" lasting 12 minutes despite having a thin comedic premise are all common complaints about the show's format and humor, particularly during the early-to-mid 1990s.
    • The Big Ear Family might be a reference to the Conehead sketches where the visual gag was a family with pointy heads instead of enormous ears.
  • Many writers (including Jon Vitti, George Meyer, John Swartzwelder, Greg Daniels, and Conan O'Brien) and voice actors (Harry Shearer is the only SNL alumnus who is also a regular voice actor on The Simpsons. The others -- Phil Hartman, Jan Hooks, Jon Lovitz, Jay Mohr, and later, Jay Pharoah, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, and Sarah Silverman -- are either semi-frequent or one-shot guest stars) on The Simpsons have also worked for Saturday Night Live.
    • The announcer who says, "And now it's time for another episode of The Big Ear Family." was voiced by Phil Hartman who was still a member of the Saturday Night Live cast until he retired in 1994 a year after the original airing of this episode.

