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Treehouse of Horror
Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Dancin' Homer



Homer without his beard

  • When Lisa is talking to Mr. Burns, her teeth turn blue on the left, and red on the right.
  • When Homer is eating toast with his mouth, he is beardless, but when it zooms out, he has his beard again.
  • Homer arrives at work at 3:00 PM, but when he falls asleep and then wakes up, he realizes it is 9:30 PM, to which he phones Marge and claims "those 12-hour days are killing me!" Homer says at the beginning of the episode that someone punches in for him. Also, Homer most likely lied to Marge about it.
  • Noear

    Mr. Burns without an ear

    When Mr. Burns offers to speak with the government inspector privately, Burns' ear disappears for a few frames.
  • When Burns starts to drink, the glass disappears for a frame.
  • In this episode, Grampa Simpson considers Mr. Burns "young blood," but later episodes would imply that Mr. Burns is older than Grampa (not to mention the fact that Grampa does know Mr. Burns as the upper-class twit who was in his Army regimen during World War II and was part of the Flying Hellfish tontine). Though, considering the change of writers and the direction of the series between seasons two and seven, this could be written off as the writers doing semi-realistic stories vs. the absurdist satire of the later years.
  • Some reruns of this episode on American television have this episode's content rating as TV-14, despite containing no strong content that would warrant that rating.
  • At the end of this episode, Burns's campaign for governor presumably ends in his defeat, yet the issue of the government threatening to shut down the power plant due to its numerous safety violations remains unresolved and actually becomes a running gag in future episodes and isn't taken as seriously there as it is here.


  • What the nuclear safety inspectors discover at the plant:
    • Their Geiger counters show high traces of nuclear radiation before they even enter the plant's entrance gate.
    • Gum is used to seal a crack in the cooling vent.
    • A plutonium rod is used as a paperweight.
    • The pipes leak radioactive waste that is acidic enough to burn a hole through the clipboard.
    • The monitoring station is unmanned (due to Homer sleeping on the job).
    • Part of the plant is flooded with nuclear waste.
    • Mr. Burns attempted to bribe the chief inspector.
  • First appearances of Dave Shutton (the investigative newspaper reporter) and Mary Bailey (Springfield's governor).
  • The trademark "burp" used primarily by Barney and occasionally by Homer makes its debut when Mr. Burns is viewing Homer on the surveillance monitors.
  • This episode is the first episode of Season 2 to be produced, even though it did air in that season as it's 4th episode. (Note that if one goes by the airing order of the episodes, the 3rd produced episode of the 2nd season, Bart Gets an "F", would be the 1st.)


  • At the retirement home, after Burns's election commercial, the Duff Beer commercial from "Homer's Odyssey" can be heard.
  • Bart's scrapbook contains a clipping headlined "Vandal Decapitates Town Statue... Who is El Barto?", referencing his own exploits in "The Telltale Head".


Citizen Kane References[]

  • Bart asking Homer "Is your boss Governor yet?" references the little boy from the film asking "Is Pop Governor yet"?
  • Burns gives a speech standing in front of a gigantic poster of himself, a la Orson Welles in the movie giving a speech in front of a larger-than-life poster of his face.
  • Burns yelling "You cannot do this to me! I am Charles Montgomery Burns!" is a reference to the infamous line in the film "You can't do this to me! I am Charles Foster Kane!"
  • Burns's trashing of the Simpsons' living room mirrors the climactic scene where Kane violently destroys his second wife Susan's bedroom after she leaves him.

Season 1 Season 2 References/Trivia Season 3
Bart Gets an "F"Simpson and DelilahTreehouse of Horror (aka "The Simpsons Halloween Special") • Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every FishDancin' HomerDead Putting SocietyBart vs. ThanksgivingBart the DaredevilItchy & Scratchy & MargeBart Gets Hit by a CarOne Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue FishThe Way We WasHomer vs. Lisa and the 8th CommandmentPrincipal CharmingOh Brother, Where Art Thou?Bart's Dog Gets an FOld MoneyBrush with GreatnessLisa's SubstituteThe War of the SimpsonsThree Men and a Comic BookBlood Feud