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Ullman Shorts Family couch gag
Korean Artists
The title of this article is conjectural. Though the topic is found within The Simpsons universe, a proper name is not available.

The Ullman Shorts Family couch gag is the first couch gag of Season 11.


The Simpson family (as they are currently drawn) run in and find their crudely drawn counterparts from The Tracey Ullman Show. Both families look at each other and run screaming out the room.

Character Appearances[]



⇐ Season 10 Season 11 couch gags Season 12 ⇒
Ullman Shorts Family couch gagKorean Artists couch gagGroening's Signature couch gagPast Horrors couch gagClub couch gagCement Family couch gagShackled Ned couch gagFireman Pole couch gagCrash Dummies couch gagTherapy couch gagKarate couch gagBumper Cars couch gagEvergreen Terrace Subway couch gagBurning Coal couch gagTarzan couch gagMagic Fingers couch gag
⇐ Season 10 Re-used couch gags Season 12 ⇒
Shredder couch gagInverted Age couch gagGroening's Signature couch gagClub couch gagUllman Shorts Family couch gagKorean Artists couch gag