The Ullman Shorts Family couch gag is the first couch gag of Season 11.
The Simpson family (as they are currently drawn) run in and find their crudely drawn counterparts from The Tracey Ullman Show. Both families look at each other and run screaming out the room.
Character Appearances[]
- Homer Simpson (current and Tracey Ullman short versions)
- Marge Simpson (current and Tracey Ullman short versions)
- Bart Simpson (current and Tracey Ullman short versions)
- Lisa Simpson (current and Tracey Ullman short versions)
- Maggie Simpson (current and Tracey Ullman short versions)
Episode – "Beyond Blunderdome"
Episode – "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses"
Episode – "At Long Last Leave" (Snapshot montage with other episode's gags)